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TO SAY Remus Lupin was freaking out would be an understatement. The boy was pacing back in forth in the Gryffindor common room, the incident from the Great Hall not leaving his head. Why did he say that? Why? Remus Lupin wasn't necessarily shy and he definitely knew how to charm women, but Theodora Harkness had always rendered him speechless. Albeit she did that to a lot of people by being an amazing debater, it was utterly confusing. One minute he didn't have anything to say and the next he's saying exactly the opposite of what he wanted to say? It was like the universe wanted him to end up all alone, sharing a house with Sirius and however many girlfriends he'd have in the future. He couldn't do that. He didn't deserve to be tortured like that.

His friends tried to calm him down but it didn't work. Really this was all Theodora's fault because she had this effect on him and he hated it, but he wasn't going to give up. There wasn't a lot about his life that Remus Lupin was sure about but he did know that Theodora Harkness was worth it. They were meant to be, she just didn't know it yet.

"Moony, look on the bright side! Theodora is going to think about you for days to come!" Remus glared at James who just looked confused, thinking his statement was a good thing. Remus and James had very different ideas when it came to pursuing the girls they wanted. The curly haired boy thought it would be better if he constantly pestered Lily because she'd always think about him and then warm up to him and if they both became head girl and head boy next year like he hoped, James Potter was a hundred percent sure Lily Evans would be his. She had already began being nicer to him and she didn't say no the last time he asked her out. She hadn't said yes either but it was progress!

"Yes, but because she felt humiliated! Do you know what that means? It means that whenever she's going to think of me, she's going to be planning how to murder me." The boy sighed and turned to the sixth year girls, hoping they'd be more help than the boys. "I now only have a week to get Theodora to fall in love with me. Please help me."

"You have next year too, Remus-" the boy cut Lily off because she was wrong. He didn't. Well technically he did but he had a plan. "No, I don't. This isn't how this was supposed to go. I was supposed to spend these seven days getting her to like me so that by the time next year came around, we would kind of be friends and then get together earlier in the year and have a lot of time to spend together." Maybe it was too idealistic of a plan but a little optimism never hurt anybody.

Mary Macdonald and Alice Fortescue looked at each other and then back at the boy before awe-ing. The latter got up and hugged Remus. "Of course we'll help you! Mary and I have been planning your wedding with Theodora since last year."

"Of course. It's my three favorite things. Theodora, Remus and love."

"Since when is Theodora one of your favorite things?" Marlene raised her eyebrow at Mary. "Since three days ago when I tripped and these fourth years laughed at me. She forced them to apologize to me for being disrespectful towards an older student and for being little shits."

remus smiled at Mary's words because that was Theodora Harkness. No matter how rude or cold she could be, she was kind. Even if she didn't want to admit it.

"I need to apologize to her for what I said earlier." Sirius shook his head and got up. "No, this is good, Remus." The brunette shook his head and tried to leave, only to be held back by Sirius as James and Peter blocked the door. "This is for your own good." Said Peter although he wasn't sure if he agreed. The Ravenclaw girl scared him and while it was nice to see her speechless and embarrassed, maybe it would be better if Remus apologized because she definitely looked like she held grudges.

JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY. remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now