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prologue. can't take my eyes off you

he fell in love the way
one falls asleep.
slowly, and
then all at once


HOWLING WINDS, sounding almost like a chorus of wailing people, and thunder crackling in the sky were heard throughout the library and perhaps the whole of Hogwarts

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HOWLING WINDS, sounding almost like a chorus of wailing people, and thunder crackling in the sky were heard throughout the library and perhaps the whole of Hogwarts. There was a nasty storm outside. It was so very violent and yet two people found comfort in it. A brunette in blue and black robes had a smile dancing on her face faintly as she heard the loud booms of thunder. One hand on the page of the book in her lap, she was sitting crisscrossed by the window. The girl let out a content sigh as she returned her attention back to her book.

And the other, a brunette in red and black robes with a red and yellow scarf around his neck, watched the storm as intently as he could. It was hard though because his eyes would go from the window to the girl seated across from him. Remus Lupin was his name and the boy's eyes softened as he saw the girl so immersed in her book. That faint smile returned and his heart started beating faster. To say he was head over heels for this girl would be an understatement. His love for her could rival and perhaps even conquer James Potter's for Lily Evans.

The girl who sat across from him was Theodora Harkness. It was the last week of their sixth year and he knew the girl would spend her free time in the library because it was her sacred space and so his trips to the library went from being frequent to daily this week. Remus remembers the moment he fell for the girl very clearly. It was love at first sight and it happened to take place in the library too.

The now seventeen year old was thirteen (a month away from being fourteen) and was studying in the library when he heard a smack and then the words

"Severus Snape you annoying, slimy little git!"

He looked up to see an angry brunette holding a book and an even angrier Snape rubbing the top of his head. The librarian made her way towards the girl and scolded her before pushing her out of her seat and towards the door. As the girl was being escorted out she turned around to stick her tongue out towards the Slytherin boy and when she was turning back their eyes met. It was a fleeting moment but the boy felt a shock throughout his whole body. It felt as if time had slowed down and they were the only two people left in the world.

After that day, Remus found himself looking around in hopes of seeing the girl around and when she was there (in the same room as him) he couldn't focus on anything but her. Remus Lupin was head over heels for Theodora Harkness and the girl didn't even know he existed. Or well she did because he was a "marauder", but she never glanced at him or gave him the time of day.

He was not like his best friend James, annoying and never leaving the girl of his dreams alone, because he was fine with admiring her from afar, but when he realized they only had one more year left and he would have never even befriended the girl, Remus Lupin knew he had to do something.

So now in the last days of their sixth year, Remus Lupin would force himself into Theodora's life (as gently as he could) and when their seventh year would begin, he would spend all of it by the girl's side. If she never returned his feelings she would at least be a friend of his and then he'd have more chances outside of Hogwarts.

It would be harder than he would expect it to be though because Theodora Harkness held such a deep resentment and jealousy towards him and his best friends that it could be used to kill people. Her hatred for them was venomous.

i love theo and remus! i hope you will too

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i love theo and remus! i hope you will too


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