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LOUD CONVERSATIONS and laughter filled the great hall as everyone ate and enjoyed their time with their friends and housemates. Circe Evanora poked at her food and grimaced at the sight of her best friend gobbling down her food. Was she not biting? She swore Theodora could swallow the chicken whole. The dark haired girl, feeling Circe's eyes on her looked up at her friend and shrugged. "I didn't have breakfast okay? Let me eat."

Circe let out an annoyed sound and softly put her hands down on the table. "Thea, could you please not speak when there's food in your mouth?" Theodora smirked and leaned in closer. "You mean like this, Circe?" The redhead pushed her best friend away and theodora just laughed loudly.

"You're looking a little green there, Circ. How are you the same girl who can drink alcohol for hours without throwing all of her guts up?" Circe put one hand on her mouth and the other in front of Theodora's face, signaling for her to wait a bit. "I have many talents, Thea. Just ask all the boys i've been with."

Theodora pretended to gag and Circe patted her back. "You're disgusting, Circe. I'm going to go throw my guts up now." She moved to get up, but Circe stopped her and made her sit back down. "Don't be a prude, Harkness." The redhead giggled as she finished her sentence and Theodora sighed. "My last name still makes you laugh?"

"It is quite funny." The two turned around once they heard the familiar sound of Amani Muhammad's voice. She stood there, excited as always, holding a tired looking Elodie's hand. Amani softly punched Circe's shoulder. "Move over."

The redhead begrudgingly moved up so the two could sit down. "This better not wrinkle my skirt or I will behead you." The two girls sat down happily and Adelaide Adoria, who was seated in front of them, scowled at the sight. "Theodora, I like you very much and it's already sad enough you hang out with Circe, but do these two always have to come sit here? Each house has their own table for a reason you know."

Circe glared at the girl and was about to say something along the lines of piss off when Theodora interrupted her. "Adelaide, you're one of the few people that I actually tolerate in this hellhole and you do have a point, but when Nathan Romanoff sits at the Gryffindor table to sit with his buds, no one says anything. I mean if you really think that then you should tell say that to him as well right? It shouldn't matter what table or house it is because it's the same thing in the end." The girl sitting in front of them looked flustered and was about to apologize when Theodora spoke again.

"Actually Adelaide, why don't you and I take a trip to the Gryffindor table? I'm sure you wouldn't mind telling Romanoff the same thing. Sure you could skip the 'I like you very much' part, but you get the gist of it." Almost everyone in their year (apart from Nathan himself) knew Adelaide had a crush on the Hufflepuff boy which Theodora could actually sort of understand because he was a nice, humble guy and he wasn't horrible looking. She saw the fear in the girl's eyes as she shook her head almost violently.

You see Theodora wasn't trying to be mean. When someone shared their opinion and Theodora felt it was somehow biased or unfair, she would do anything to make the person take it back or to show them they were wrong. It was how her mother had raised her. She told her it was important for her to always have a stable and good argument and that she should never go down without a fight because there were many men out there who'd feel insecure because of powerful women and do anything to ensure they didn't become successful. She stood up and extended her hand towards the girl in front of her and after seeing the determined expression Theodora had, Adelaide knew she couldn't say no. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad right? She had been pining after the boy for a while and at least she would be saying something to him and maybe something like this would make her stand out to him.

JEALOUSY, JEALOUSY. remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now