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THE SOFT sound of chatter filled the warm inn as a girl sat alone at a booth looking back and forth between the watch on her wrist and the door. Normally the three broomsticks inn was packed with people and their booming voices, but since it was only nine in the morning, there weren't many people there except unemployed alcoholics and Circe Evanora who was there on a mission.

She tapped the table to the rhythm of Starman lightly, her other hand tracing random letters on the mahogany surface. After talking to some of the sixth year Gryffindor girls, Circe had realized just how much Remus Lupin actually liked her best friend. Everyone knew the casanovas that were the Marauders so Circe had always believed he wasn't serious about his feelings for Theodora, but clearly he was and although endearing, it was also disgusting. The way he looked at her with sparkly eyes and a soft smile on his face made her want to throw up.

Circe understood it. Sort of. She understood the need for relationships and love, but she couldn't see herself liking someone that much or committing to someone anytime soon. No man or woman had swept her off her feet in a long time even if she pretended they had. Theodora however, as cruel and cold hearted as she seemed, was a softie inside (she didn't know it herself but those were the perks of having a best friend who knew you better than you knew yourself).

She desperately needed a significant other. Someone to bring out the humanity she only showed to selective people to everyone and while Circe didn't necessarily know if Remus was a good fit for Theodora because she didn't know him well enough (and she hated his friends), it was worth a shot. Otherwise Theodora would end up alone and bitter like her mother and that made Circe shiver in fear. Gof did she hate Agatha Harkness.

The woman was a narcissist with a superiority complex and she had made Theodora's life nonexistent. Sure, Theodora was alive, but she hadn't been alive. She wasn't truly living until she met Circe and that was why Agatha Harkness hated the redheaded girl. She thought she was a bad influence on her daughter, but no matter how hard she tried, Theodora was never going to leave Circe's side. They were sisters through and through.

The sound of two guys arguing in hushed whispers caught her attention and Circe looked up to see Remus Lupin and Sirius Black. She immediately scowled at the sight of the long haired boy who winked at her.

All of hogwarts (probably even Dumbledore because he was obsessed with the Gryffindors) knew how much Circe Evanora hated Sirius Black. No, hate wasn't a strong enough word. She loathed him and she had felt this way ever since their third year. The two boys sat in front of her and Remus greeted the girl but she ignored it as she glared at Sirius.

"Wyy is he here?"

"You think I'd let one of my best friends meet the devil alone?" Circe repeated Sirius's words in a mocking tone before getting up to leave but Remus stopped her. As Circe looked at his face, it was clear just how desperate he was. Sighing, she sat down again. "I'm so sorry, Circe, but he wouldn't leave me alone and threatened to stop me from coming all together."

The redhead could have left right then and there but tiny voices in her head that sounded exactly like Amani Muhammad and Alice Fortescue started scolding her and telling her to stay. Contrary to popular belief, Alice Fortescue was actually terrifying and the last thing Circe needed was the brunette berating her for leaving so she stayed put. She'd just ignore sirius and focus solely on Remus. She could easily do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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