Chapter 30: Fury

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Jude Pov :D (Also lots of violence)


My footsteps echoed in the massive hall as I headed towards the throne room.

I tightened the grip on my sword as one of the soldiers rushed at me.

Raising my blade, I met the strike of the guard easily, The clang of metal hitting metal bouncing off the walls.

The second blow hit my shield as I managed to raise it in time.

As the guard tried to pull his sword from my wooden shield, I took the chance to bury my sword all the way to the hilt inside the guard's chest.

I narrowed my eyes as the man stared back at me, Choking on his own blood as his hands released his sword, Grabbing onto mine in a sad attempt to try and save himself.

Placing my foot on his leg, I kicked forwards while pulling my sword back, Wrenching it from his chest with a spray of blood.

Moving quickly, I headed for the throne room, I didn't have long before more guards arrived.

As it was, The soldiers attacking the majority of the army in the courtyard no doubt had already alerted this kingdom's Head of the attack.

Kicking down the throne room's doors, I was faced with the Head's council.

A grim feeling twisted in my chest.

They were all old yet heavily armed.

I didn't want to kill them, I didn't even want to kill that guard.

The only one who needed to die was this kingdom's head, Now more people were dying than needed.

Raising my sword, I lowered my shield, Having faith in my armor to protect me enough.

''Tell me where your Head is and you all will be spared.'' I called out, My armor making my words echo.

''We won't tell on our Head. We shall willingly die with honor.'' One of them hissed out, Shifting into his first form as he spoke.

Glances were exchanged before almost all the others shifted into their first forms as well.

However, A scream from outside caught the last one's attention.

I kept my eyes on the Council despite the way my heart clenched slightly.

That was a child's scream. . .Looks like the army is no longer just attacking the soldiers. . .This has gone on too long. . .

Gritting my teeth, I turned my attention away from the Council, They didn't matter anymore, Not to me.

I moved over to the nearest window, Dropping my shield as I walked.

The confused eyes of the council were following me as I climbed up onto the window.

The army that accompanied me here had orders from Quinn to attack and kill those from this Tribe until their current Head was killed.

Leave it to his army to actually go through with trying to kill everyone.

Of course I have to deal with this shit.

Jumping from the window, I held on tightly to my sword as I shifted into my first form.

Quinn never trusts me with anything, Meaning the Army he assigned me wouldn't listen to me, They will carry out Quinn's orders until he says otherwise.

My grey and white wings spread out on either side of me as I glided out towards the buildings below.

My sword was clutched tightly in my talons as I studied the damage and death below me.

The soldiers from this Tribe littered the ground like pebbles on a sea-shore.

Every now and again, I'd see some of our army dead with the remains of this tribe's protectors.

My heart clenched slightly at the morbid scene.

No time for regret. Gotta find the child. We'll figure everything out from there.

Folding my wings close to my body, I descended from the sky in an arched glide.

My eyes were constantly scanning every alleyway and nook I passed.

I noticed teens, Kids, Mothers, Toddlers and infants hiding in the shadows, Tears streaming down their faces as the older ones covered the younger ones mouths in an attempt to quiet their muffled cries of sorrow and fear.

The sound of a blade striking stone drew my attention towards the whole reason I was no longer looking for this tribe's sad excuse for a leader.

Spreading out my wings, I banked to the left slightly before shifting into my second form, Landing mid run.

I didn't stop my forwards momentum, Instead, I raised my sword before swinging it in the direction I was moving at the same time I skidded to a stop.

With a sickeningly wet tearing sound, My blade went right through one of our soldier's neck, Severing his skull from his spine.

I stared forwards as his corpse collapsed to the ground, The wide eyed and bleeding child I had heard the screams of stared up at me with terror.

I could only imagine what he saw.

An armored man with oversized grey banded white wings, Coated in a layer of other Normal's blood.

The sound of approaching footsteps stirred me into action again.

Not bothering to catch my breath, I lunged forwards, Scooping the little boy up with one arm, My other one occupied still with supporting my sword.

I took flight, Stuttering slightly as I had to quickly adjust to the added weight.

Hurriedly, I made a bee-line for the narrowest alleyway I had spotted.

Lowering a bit, I made sure I was a safer distance off the ground before I dropped the kid into the alleyway.

It was a tight squeeze for him, But he could still move, Which is more than can be said for any fully grown Normals that might try to fit in there after him.

Damn good thing too, Considering at that moment, A few of the Army's men took flight, Giving pursuit of me.

I knew I wouldn't be able to out last all of them in a flying contest, So instead, I landed on the ground.

Keeping my head high, I stared back at the pissed off soldier I was faced with as I slowly lowered my sword to the ground, Their weapons pointed towards me.

Not only had I failed my mission, I had helped the enemy and had killed one of my fellow Tribe members.

Quinn is going to be pissed. . .

I could feel my feathers bristle at the thought of the pain I would no doubt have to endure soon.


Jude has morals. . .He's not gonna fight someone who can't or wont be able to match him in a fight. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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