Chapter 40: We're on our way

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I was quiet and a bit worried as I followed beside Aldo, His soldiers flanking us on all sides as we left the forest.

Well. . .Most of the soldiers. . .

The two that had been constantly worried about the hurt Frog had chosen to stay behind and help our healer with said Frog.

It was. . .Sweet of them. . .

''Careful'' Aldo warned suddenly, Reaching a hand out to stop me from tripping over a large rock I hadn't seen.

He grabbed onto my empty hand, Tugging me a bit closer to himself as we all resumed walking.

My other hand was resting protectively over the preserved light blue flower that Ander had given me before I had to leave, A farewell gift that I had now carefully woven into the soft downy feathers that were randomly dusted over my shoulders.

I could feel Aldo's displeasure at that but he didn't say a word about it.

--- Time skip ---

We were miles and miles away from my home forest.

The area around us was barren of trees for as far as the eye could see.

Here we are again. . .

In the distance, I could see that Aldo's remaining camp of soldiers had already packed up their camps and were on their horses, Waiting.

We met up with them fairly quickly, The soldiers happily greeting each other with smiles and stories, The ones who had gone to the forest with us accepted their horses from the soldiers who had stayed behind.

Since I didn't have a horse, I was about to shift into my first form when Aldo reached out, Grabbing onto my arm.

I stared at him blankly as he gently guided me over to his horse.

''Hop on up sweetie'' Aldo murmured, Gently patting at my back to try and encourage me to get up on the moving death animal.

''I. . .Uh. . .I'll just walk. . .'' I murmured, Not wanting to tell him that I didn't know how to get up on the horse, Seeing as the first and last time I had rode one I had been put on it instead of having to climb up on it.

Aldo chuckled, Seemingly picking up on my feelings.

''Up you go sweetie'' He said suddenly, His arms wrapping around me as I let out a small squeak sound.

My face was burning with a mix of fury and embarrassment as he set me on top of his horse.

Scowling, I ducked my head as a few nearby soldiers chuckled.

My whole body tensed up slightly as Aldo hopped up onto his horse as well, Sitting behind me with his arms on either side of my body, Caging me in.

My heart was racing, And not in a good way.

This felt familiar, Scarily so.

Before I could panic, Sophia and a girl who looked identical to her from a distance approached us on horseback.

''Sweetie! I didn't expect to see you again! Did you guys not find your tribe or something?'' Sophia asked curiously as the almost identical girl who was sitting behind her on the same horse glared at me.

Right. . .That's the concubine Aldo's been hooking up with. . .

''Oh, We found his tribe, Spent some time with them too'' Aldo answered for me as the other girl's expression changed on a dime.

She dropped the glare and instead, Pouted slightly, Giving Aldo an innocent and sad look.

Said man seemed to get distracted by that as Sophia frowned slightly, Confused.

''Why. . .Didn't you stay with them then?'' She questioned, Concerned and confused.

I shrugged slightly, Staring down at my lap as my feathers bristled with un-ease.

''I. . .Decided to give all of. . .This. . .A chance'' I muttered, Gesturing towards Aldo at the 'all of this' part.

Said man was currently resting his hand on the other girl's shoulder, His wing arched out over her soft light grey ones in a protective and familiar way.

Sophia narrowed her eyes as she noticed the contact.

Much to my surprise, She reached back and batted Aldo's hand and wing away from the other girl.

''Well then, I'll enjoy talking with you when we get back to our home Sweetie'' Sophia said before nudging the horse she and the other girl were riding, Guiding it over to the line of soldiers.

I held onto the saddle for dear life as Aldo nudged his horse into action too.

A shiver ran down my spine as Aldo's breath brushed over the nape of my neck, One of his arms moving to loop around my waist.

I let out a small warning growl as his hand rested flat against my stomach, A small chuckle escaping him.

''Glad to see you're willing to give this a chance. . .Sweetie'' Aldo murmured quietly right next to my ear before he returned his hand to the bridal's reigns, Sitting up straight again so his body wasn't pressed as close to mine.

''Why do you keep calling me that? You know my name by now'' I grumbled out sullenly, Glaring out at the seemingly barren grassy land around us as Aldo took us his spot leading the small army of Soldiers he had brought out here.

He hummed quietly, As if he was thinking before I felt him shrug.

''I do know your name. . .But Sweetie fits you just as well as Theo does'' Aldo explained, The sound of my name coming from his voice made me shiver ever so slightly.

Huffing out a sigh, I stared down at the ground below us as silence filled the air between us.

--- Time skip ---

The sun was setting and yet we seemed to be no closer to this mysterious destination.

Aldo and I hadn't spoken again since our little conversation about names.

He mostly just spoke with his soldiers as I fought to stay awake.

It was warm with his chest pressed against my back.

The setting sun was making the temperature drop rapidly, Leaving the air cold.

Aldo seemed to pick up on my growing discomfort.

He lowered his wings, Wrapping them around me as best he could with his arms slightly in his way.

''You can sleep, I'll wake you when we get to my tribe'' Aldo murmured quietly as I still valiantly fought sleep.


Sllllightly late. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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