Chapter 85: Home (Pt 1)

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Okay, for this chapter. . .We're doing two Povs ('s?) of what's going on :D One here and another in Pt 2


[Theo's Pov]


Evander didn't ask about my mates again after that. . .However every time they even briefly showed up in conversation, a displeased frown would appear on his face before he changed the subject.

I didn't look too far into that. . .

His scent and his presence made the feral, screaming part inside me settle. . .I didn't want to question anything. . .I just wanted peace.

A few more days passed in this order, the two of us talking quietly and more or less bonding with each other.

His army waited more or less patiently outside, his council having been released to keep the soldiers beyond our walls calm.

It was stressful. . .But I could deal with it. . .

''Our daughter has pretty patterns on her'' Evander murmured softly into the silence as I removed my daughter from her sling.

Her shell was fully hardened now, pretty swirls and streaks of white and dark blue marbling her pale surface.

I hummed softly at that, my eyes drifting closed again as I leaned up against the bars of Evander's cell, used to him calling her that by now.

There was the quiet sound of shifting behind me before a warm back pressed up against mine.

He had been doing this lately. . .Moving so his wings would be pressed against mine, his warmth soaking into my bones.

It was nice. . .It made a feeling of safety I haven't felt in a long while fill me.

''You know. . .I realized something this morning. . .I. . .I don't even remember what my mates smell like anymore. . .'' I whispered quietly into the silence. . .Something I've found myself doing more often lately.

A small, curious sounding noise left the man behind me, his scent clouding my mind with how close he was to me.

Lazily, I tilted my head to the side, exposing my neck as I let out a sigh, my head feeling nicely foggy.

It was around that moment that a deep, rumbling purr came from the other man, the noise making my breath hitch slightly at the comforting sound.

''You know what I smell like'' He pointed out, his voice rough. . .Much rougher than when we first started speaking.

I huffed out a quiet chuckle, my lips twitching upwards into a small grin as I remained leaning there, my eyes still contently closed.

''That I do. . .But we haven't mated yet'' I pointed out, my voice light and a bit teasing.

The feeling of safety down here was a heady thing. . .His scent and soothing words like a drug, a balm for the anxieties that claw at my insides every other second of the day.

''We can more than change that'' Evander rasped out, his fingers suddenly brushing over a section of my mating glands, drawing a gasp and a shiver from me.

That contact. Snapped me out of my drowsy state.

Narrowing my eyes slightly, I gently batted his hand away from my neck, pouting as he smiled innocently.

''Goodbye Evander'' I murmured fondly as I got up and headed back up the stairs, his murmured 'see you tomorrow dove' just barely reaching my ears.

A small. . .Somewhat sad smile rested on my face as I settled down into the nest made of blankets and pelts that adorned my bed. . .The smell of my mates long gone from the bedding and surrounding room.

Closing my eyes,I curled around my child, covering her with my wings as I slowly drifted off to sleep,

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wasn't sure how long I slept before I was rudely awoken by my bed chamber's door being slammed open with a loud bang, a painfully familiar scent wafting in as a voice I recognized suddenly started shouting at me as the blanket covering me was yanked off.

''What the fuck have you done!?'' Aldo. Fucking. Aldo. Demanded as I tried to blink the sleep from my eyes as my heart pounded with panic, startled from being so abruptly and rudely awoken.

Huh?? What? What is going on??

An almost wild, manic light was in his eyes as he towered over me, sending my instincts into a screaming frenzy.

Shifting so I was kneeling in my nest, I made sure my daughter was hidden under my wings on my lap as I turned to my scarily angry mate, not even noticing Jude silently slipping into the room behind him.

''I leave you in charge! With so many safety nets! And you still managed to somehow get an army at our gate!!'' Aldo was shouting as I hunkered down slightly, my feathers bristling as he continued to shout.

''You IMPRISONED my entire council! You imprisoned a visiting head, which is an act of war in and of itself! You even abandoned the palace for over a month!! What the fuck were you thinking!!'' Aldo shouted, leaning down near my face as he shouted, either not noticing or not caring about the tears beading in my eyes.

His breath smelled faintly of some 'spirits', probably mead.

''Explain to me. How you managed to fuck this all up alread-'' Aldo was starting to angrily hiss out before being shut up as I finally had enough and slapped him.

Before he could react, or even really recover from his shock, I got up and stormed out of my room, careful to keep my daughter hidden the entire time as I fled.

Not safe.

Not safe.

Not safe-

''Theo? Theo!'' Another familiar voice called out quietly behind me as footsteps rapidly approached me.

I didn't turn around to face him as Jude caught up with me, not wanting him to see the tears dripping from my eyes as his soothing scent engulfed me, followed soon by a pair of arms turning me around and embracing me.

''Theo what happened, why is there an army at the gate, please, explain?'' Jude requested quietly as he let me pull back from his hug.

Sniffling quietly, I tried to keep from sobbing as I raised a hand to scrub at my eyes, readjusting my grip on my daughter, drawing his attention to my egg by accident as I breathed raggedly.

I had been raw for such a long time. . .And now that the ones who could help me were back. . . I should feel better. . .But being shouted out while so raw. . .Just. . .Broke me. . .

''Sweet? Where did you get an egg?'' Jude asked, seeming entirely confused and thrown off kilter by this.

''A. . .I. . .I've been through a lot while you've been gone. . .This. . .Is our daughter'' I explained, my voice breaking randomly as I struggled not to sob.

Jude blinked very slowly, hesitantly reaching out for her before pausing, looking to me before slowly resting his hand on her.

''That. . .Sounds like an understatement. . .We should probably head somewhere quiet to discuss. . .'' Jude whispered, raising a wing to drape over me in a very protective and possessive gesture as he started to usher me towards the garden.

A dazed look on his face.

I feel the same way. . .


Lotta stuff happening. . .Confusing stuff too. . .Things will make a bit more sense next chapter. . .

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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