Chapter 32: Territorial

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''You see, Seeing as you're un-marked and in unknown territory with rivals all around, He no doubt is being affected by his instincts and your scent, Making him compete and become overly protective and possessive of you'' Tom explained as I walked beside him, The slightly shorter man's wing resting over my shoulders.

I frowned, Looking down at my hands.

''But. . .I didn't mark him or anything . . .Yet I'm not feeling anything too off. . .'' I muttered, Confused why he was seemingly the only one being affected.

 This just doesn't make sense. . . Is something wrong with his scent? Shouldn't it be making me possessive of him too?

Tom just chuckled at that, Smiling kindly as he shook his head.

''Of course you aren't, You haven't had competition for his attention yet, If say, A female or another male, Approaches him and tries to court him, You'll no doubt feel the urge to keep his attention on yourself'' He soothed, Gently patting my arm as he spoke.

''. . .Mother Tom. . .'' I started, Glancing down at my feet as I spoke.

''You've been alive a lot longer then I have. . .No offence. . .'' I continued, My words making Tom smile in amusement.

''You want advice on your relationship with this Normal don't you?'' Tom guessed, Cutting straight to the question I was dancing around.

I could feel my face heating up a bit as I stared at the ground, Rubbing nervously at the back of my neck.

''Yeah. . .I just. . .I feel like I'm in over my head. . .'' I admitted sheepishly.

''I'm not surprised. . .You've been through so much in such a short amount of time. . .What is it you needed advice on exactly?'' He asked, His voice gentle and soft with paternal kindness.

 ''. . .How fast exactly should all this be going? We met a few days ago. . .And it just seems like everything's trying to force us together. . .'' I muttered, Sighing as I spoke.

Tom gave me a sympathetic look before turning his attention forwards.

''How fast things should be going is never the same between person to person. . .I've known many mates who bonded and mated the first day they met. . .And many who waited to mate and bond for years. . .It all depends on how you and your instincts feel about it'' He explained.

''. . .So basically. . .You don't know either. . .'' I muttered, Kicking at a twig.

He chuckled quietly before sighing.

''What I'm trying to say is, No one knows anything about how quickly things are supposed to go, Just go at the speed that makes you feel comfortable'' He assured me, Moving his wing off of me as we finally made it to the hut Aldo had been brought to.

''You might want to. . .'' Tom started, Gesturing towards my scent glands.

My eyes widened before looking around quickly for the Thistleline plant that normally grows like crazy around here.

Spotting one of the brown leafed plants that was coiled up a tree, I carefully stepped across the small platform to said tree, Carefully grabbing the leaves while trying to not get pricked by the very thin thorns that covered the plant.

Tearing off a few of the leaves carefully, I sat down on the platform, Crossing my legs as I started to tear the leaves I had removed from the plant into tiny little shreds before doing my best to crush it into a paste.

Reaching up, I roughly rubbed the mixture over my scent glands, Being careful to not miss even an inch of the skin.

The paste was making my skin itch, Letting me know I hadn't crushed it enough.

I'm going to regret that later. . . 

''Theo'' Tom called out to me, Reminding me that we didn't have time to mope around and sulk over our poor choices.

Getting up, I jumped to the other platform, Stumbling into the hut slightly as Tom strolled in beside me.

Aldo was standing close to the door, The two clearly overwhelmed Frogs standing on either side of him.

He seemed to be a bit calmer by now thanks to the distance that we had between us for a brief while.

''Are you alright?'' He questioned, Taking a step towards me as I regained my balance.

I nodded shakily as Tom rested his hand on my arm, Checking to see if I was okay as the Frogs herded Aldo back a little bit.

He arched an eyebrow but allowed them to push him away from Tom and I, Clearly only humoring them.

''Sorry for all the precautions, However we've been a bit cautious towards Normals lately. . .'' Tom said, Smoothly approaching my mate as he spoke.

I watched on as Aldo's eyes briefly narrowed before a sympathetic tight lipped smile formed on his face. 

''Understandable, From what I've seen of what remains of their camp, They weren't too kind to your warriors. . .'' Aldo muttered, Rapidly seeming to return to his normal self.

So it really was my scent that was fucking with him. . .

''Ah, You passed by their camp? Did by chance happen to see what became of our attackers?'' Tom asked as I slowly moved to stand beside him.

Aldo glanced over at me, An eyebrow still arched slightly.

''You didn't tell them?'' He questioned as I made a point to look anywhere but at him.

''Didn't exactly seem that important at the time. . .'' I mumbled, My face heating up as I stared down at the floor, Kicking at the interwoven leaves and branches that made up the platforms our treehouse city was built on.

Aldo let out a thoughtful hum before a hand ruffled the hair and feathers on my head.

I scowled, Stepping away from his hand as he turned his attention back to Tom.

''They're dead, Those that weren't killed by Sweetie over here ended up being killed by my men and I'' Aldo informed Tom as my face continued to burn even more.

He just called me sweetie. . .In front of my tribe's Mother. . .

Maybe returning home wasn't the best idea. . . . .


:D Sleep deprivation!

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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