Chapter 77: Screams

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Briefly in a third person pov at the start, Will let you know when it's back to Theo's pov :T


Three days had passed since Aldo and Jude had left the palace.

To say things were hectic would be an understatement.

With the head gone and his mate who was left in charge spending almost every second in either agony or passed out. . .There was a bit of a power vacuum happening in amongst the upper council members, All vying to take over while the one in charge was weakened and vulnerable.

'Mysterious' sicknesses were spreading through those that tried to order the guards or the Concubine Sophia to let them access the 'mysteriously ill' Theo.

None of that was on anyone's minds at the moment though.

No, All attention was one the very heavy wooden door, Behind which the 'bedridden' mate was staying. . .

From which muffled screams of agony were flowing.

The guards standing post outside had grim but worried looks plastered on their faces as they blocked almost anyone from coming in, Only stepping aside for the servants who came and went on the orders of the healer.

Despite that fact, Many still tried to sneak a peek at the current talk of the castle, Curious and a bit worried about their current, Temporary leader.

Within the walls though, Chaos was ensuing as a new life was entering the world.

Outside the walls of the palace, Beyond the spike topped castle walls surrounding the inner most buildings of Aldo's tribe and the furthest most trees of his territory.

A small army marches, Led by a man with shoulder length black and silver hair, A twisted scar that covered the left side of his face, Leaving his left eye milky and unseeing and a roughly trimmed beard that hid the lower half of his face.

His face was set in a grim frown as he rode, The metal gauntlets and armor pieces he was wearing shining in the light.

In the opposite direction, Even further away, A messenger raced along, Attempting to catch up with the small army led by his territory's head and mate.

With news of an urgent need for him to return home.

But none of that mattered.

As the sun set on the horizon, Painting the world soon in soothing dark shades, There was a much more important scene.

A young father, A first time Dad, Curled around a still slightly bloody egg, Lit only by half burned out candles and the moon beaming in through sheer curtains.

- - - Theo's Pov - - -

My child was warm against my bare, Sweaty skin as I breathed slowly and deeply.

The herbs in my system and plastered to my skin, Keeping me from feeling the pain from the wounds I gained after laying my egg.

My child.

Candles flickered warmly on the wall mounted scones on the wall as I gently, Carefully, Wiped off my own drying blood from my child's textured shell.

I couldn't tell the pattern yet, I wouldn't be able to for a while seeing as coloration takes a few days to show through.

But I loved them all the same.

Smiling sadly, Fondly, I curled tighter around my child, Breathing in the scented, Steam filled air that filled the room.

The servants had filled the tub with scented herbs and warm water, Leaving the door open to allow the steam to drift into the main room.

They didn't have to do so, I didn't ask them to.

But I was grateful they had thought ahead all the same.

The moonlight filtering in through the window shifted slightly as a figure moved outside.

It was one of the guards.

They had 'accidentally' moved the majority of their patrols to the walls of the palace and distant spike mounted walls that my room's windows looked out over.

I didn't miss the fact that they were patrolling much closer to me than usual.

Tiredly staring down at my egg, I couldn't help but feel. . .Happy.

A mournful happy, Sure, But happy none the less.

My child. . .

Tears gathered in my eyes as I rearranged a few of the nearest pelts that many of the servants had been kind enough as to help me arrange into a nest for which I could rest in.

I was grateful to all of them and I was even more so for the fact they kept my 'condition' to themselves, Ensuring Also's council was unaware of what was going on.

''I'm sorry your dads aren't here to welcome you into this world with me my child'' I found myself whispering quietly to the still slightly soft, Off white egg held in my arms.

It felt so weird to be thinking that, Let alone saying it.

My child. . .

I didn't feel prepared. . .

Gently, I trailed my hands over the slightly harder shell of my egg.

The egg was hardening at a pretty basic rate now that it was exposed to the air, Making me feel a bit more assured.

It wouldn't still harden if it was dead right?

Anxiously, I pressed my ear to the shell as I had been doing so for the past however long I had been awake since passing out again.

There was no heartbeat, Wouldn't be one for another week or so, But still.

I held out hope that I'd get some obvious sign right now.

Aldo. . .Jude. . .I need you both here with me. . .I don't think I can do this on my own. . .

The reality of my situation hadn't really had time to hit me up until now, What with the pain and the confusion of every thing going on.

I was a parent now. . .I had a little child now. . .My child. . .I had to protect and raise a fragile little life in this world that I myself was still getting used to. . .

And to top it all off, Until my mates return. . .I also had a kingdom I had to care for. . .

What am I going to do. . .

Closing my eyes, I covered my egg with my wing as I curled up under said wing.

My little child tucked up against the soft, Currently wrinkled skin of my now no longer bloated stomach.

''What am I going to do my little moon. . .'' I whispered softly as the exhaustion once again caught up with me, Tugging me down towards troubled dreams.

My heart aching for my missing mates.


Don't worry, Eggling is very much alive, Just not developed enough yet :)

Anyways! Like always, Have a good day/night and find a better book! - fallen

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