Chapter 2

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An I hope you guys keep reading and sorry to end this on a cliffhanger spoiler alert and all I wanna say is I corrected all the mistakes on the last chapter with an amazing author and editor

I woke up in a room with a doctor standing over me. He was writing something down when he noticed I was awake. He calmly walked over to me and said in a monotone voice "Do you know where you are?"
I looked at him with a confused face. He waved his arms to say spit it out. I looked around and examined the room
"Ya, I'm doctor Lester. You got knocked out in a fight. You probably have a concussion. The kid who did it is possibly suspended, you'll be back to school on Monday (it's Saturday)."
My thoughts on this he's suspended and its Saturday. I saw the calendar and it said so. It was Thursday when I was last conscious! Knowing how fucked up my school is, he'll be there on Monday; Fuck, I need to sleep.
I went to sleep a few minutes later knowing I shouldn't but I had to get out of my head; and by the feel of my face I had a black eye so I just slept. I was discharged Sunday night so I could sleep. I had to get rid of my black eye.
I Would have stayed home but the only thing worse than going to school is staying home and being bored. I decided to take it easy and stay home from first period math. God damn, I hate math. It's like satan, teachers, and life had a baby out of their threesome and math was the outcome.
I walked into second period and my heart stopped. In the previously empty seat by my seat there was a sexy ass Emo boy. He had Ice blue eyes that ironically warmed up the room, flawless skin and light brown hair with black on the tips. The jocks and other popular kids were throwing trash at him. He was clearly annoyed.
He noted me and smiled. I saw him and it was like I had known him my whole life. I soon realized he wasn't the only one who noticed me I saw numerous frowns and whispers as I began to walk to my seat. Someone yelled "Welcome back fag!"
I was in a good mood so I said " not a fag but thanks for the welcome"
I got to my seat and sat down. class started about 2 minutes later. I realized I didn't even know the name of the sexy beast sitting next to me. So I did what any Emo bisexual 16 year old would do in the middle of class; I passed him a note saying
" Hey, I'm Sam." I cautiously folded the note with out taking my eyes off the teacher; then as soon as he turned around I flung my arm out passing the note.
The note hit his leg and fell to the floor; he looked at me and pushed his pencil to the floor then picked up the note. With the same amount of stealth, he opened it and wrote something. He quickly folded it and flicked it to me. It landed an inch away from my hand. I looked around to see if anyone was looking and of course, no one was. I opened it and it said "Jay".
I proceeded to write "What brings u to this hell hole?" Jay replied "My parents moved for work, is there anyone in this so called hell hole like us?" I Then wrote "You're looking at the lone survivor of preppy populars, jocks and way worse." Jay opened the note and tried not to laugh; he clearly failed at it. The whole class could tell from the tone of his. . . I don't know how to describe it actually, it was like a laugh covered up with a choking sound. The teacher turned around and said "Shut up and listen." We were both quiet for the rest of the period.
The bell rang about 15 minutes later, I walked out of my row and over to Jay. "Hey" I said. He looked at me and smiled; he had snow white teeth which were perfectly straight. He asked What period I had, in a calm voice it sounded so strong. He's straight. I thought to myself and frowned . I said "P.E., You?"
He said "Same." He grinned. " Let me walk you."
"I'm a slow walker, I don't wanna slow you down." I explained as he walked out the door and then I called him. He replyed "Ya?"
"Pe meets over there " I said pointing in the other direction, trying not to laugh.
"Oh, Is it to late to come with you?" I waved my hand as to say come on as he ran over.
We walked down the crowded hall ways of the school till we got to Josh's locker. Shit, he was there. "Hey, Emo fuck, get your ass over here!" Hearing that, I picked up my speed.
"HEY!" His voice boomed across the hallway and it was followed by running feet. Before I could start running I felt his hand on my shoulder. Fuck.
"When you hear me talking you turn around!" He said still screaming. I was still not facing him and that obviously didn't make him happy; I was cringing my fist at my side when he spun me around. Jay walked up to me and grabbed my arm to pull me away. That got Josh more pissed off . He shoved Jay and he stumbled backwards. I screamed.
"Don't touch him!" Then Josh laughed at me.
"Don't touch your faggot boyfriend? Fine I'll touch you." He said, quite satisfied as he stepped on my feet and pushed me over then mumbled "That's what you get for getting me suspended." Then I had the overwhelming urge to bleed and cry. The more people I realized who saw me, the more overwhelming the feeling got then I felt the tears and remembered Jay.
I got up and ran as fast as I could to the nearest bathroom. Out of habit I locked my self into the largest stall. I pulled out my phone , unraveled the headphones and took off the case. Behind the case was a double sided razor blade folded up in white paper . I carefully unwrapped the paper and dug the blade as deep as I could into my skin. Then without pulling up I pulled up my wrist about half a foot up. I whipped the razor up without worrying about the pain. I looked at my arm realizing what I had just done. Thin panic set in, it hadn't started to bleed.
I heard jays voice outside the door filled with worry and I dropped the blade as he walked in. I was so happy to see him, or anyone, I wasn't gunna die alone. I threw my arms around him. He pushed me away and threw off his backpack. It hit the ground with a thud. He calmly and quickly pulled a lighter out of his pocket and ordered me to "Sit down." I did what I was told and sat. He sat down behind me, wrapped his legs around me, and then lit my arm on fire. I gritted my teeth; I smelled the burning blood and flesh, it was a rancid smell and it hurt like a bitch. I was squirming but I couldn't really move. He stopped after what felt like ages and the skin was black and blistered. He unwrapped his legs and got out tissues, water and sports tape.
I watched in awe as he balled up the tissues wet them and rubbed my arm down. He then proceeded to wrap up my arm; I saw the compassion in his eyes. I don't know what to do, but then I leaned over and kissed him. After about two seconds he pulled away and continued to wrap up my arm as if nothing had happened.
He finished wrapping and then the unexpected happened . He said "Um, Sam, can we kiss again?" I looked at him, he was now staring at the floor. Without speaking I looked up and put my hand on his face and kissed him deeply. Bye bye, sadness; bye bye, fustratuon. Hello Jay. I thought.
We made out for about ten more minutes until the bell rang; hearing the sound of it made me jump up off of him. I got up and left the bathroom, ignoring Jay calling behind me.
I ended up skipping forth period to figure out what just happened. I liked it so WHY DID I GET OFF!? He was so warn and his lips were so soft. So why? Could I get him to do it again? And the best question of all, where does that leave us? Am I getting to get bullied more?( Why he said that will be answered later.)
My forth period consisted of these questions and constant starring at my burn. Occasionally I'd push on it to recreate the pain. I for the most part felt nothing; No pain , no suffering , not my finger running across it.
The bell rang; so I moved where I would usually sit, it was a spot in the sun. Holy shit, I love the sun; it has the power to kill and we would all die without it. It sim loses warmth and prosperity...
My thoughts were desiccated by an applesauce flying at my head. Seeing it out of the corner of my eye, I had time to duck. It missed my head and hit the floor splattering. I quick turned my head to see Josh and other senior jock boys laughing. I'm so done with school for today. I thought as I got up and began to walk away. Then I heard Jay yell.
"SAM!" I instantly turned around as I heard booming voice. I saw him walk towards me past the jocks. It was like he was invisible to them. I stared in awe till he got to me.
"But how did you?" were my first and only words I got out . He said "Take the biggest one and news travels fast. Changing the subject," He said. "We need to talk about earlier."
"No kidding." I replied.
"Did you like it?" He questioned.
I hesitated before saying "Yes." And what happened next couldn't have been more perfect.

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