Important things u might need to know

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Some things u will need to know is their ships and what pronouns they use

Nao Komeda- Komahina and they/them

Rei Oowda- Ishimondo and she/they

Magbel Mioda- Bandaid and they/him/she

Tabito Togami- Naegami and he/him

Sachi Nevermind- Soniaki and they/them

Fumiko Souda- Kuzusoda and she/her

Hauhri Kirigri-Celesgri-they/him

Aina Asahina- Sakuraoi- she/they

Madoka Naegi- Tokomaru- She/her

Kafu Momota- Kaimaki- he/him

Ash Amani- Amaguji- he/him

Sora Kuwata- Leosaya-she/they/it

Aaban Akmastu - Irmastu- All pronouns

Kada Souda- Kuzusoda


Shiro Saihara- Saiouma -He/him

Yae Yumeno- They/him

Noro=He/him= Noros like Syo but just annoys Nao to death, and at stressful times or when hes mad Noro can come out, he always exactly knows what Naos doing, same with Nao when he takes over.

Btw before I end this chapter, just wanted to tell u 2 things, 1. The pov is always going to be in the protags Pov which is Nao btw and 2. There is cursing in this fanfic, uhm one may curse more then the others

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