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I woke up.

"At least i didnt fall off the bed like yesterday. " i said

'Wish u did.'

"Noro what the fuck?"

'Your saying that like u i don't say questionable things! I think u forgot how i act, just like u forgot what ur Ulitmate wasss!"

"Oh shut up."

"Ur telling me to shut up bc we both know im right .'

I rolled my eyes

(AGAIN TIMESKIP BC i have no idea.)

"Heyyyyy" i sat down at the usual table.

"You honestly kinda look like u seen a ghost, not like a ghost but what im trying to say ur face looks confused sorta. Did anything happen?"

"Tabitos actually starting to become nice. " Sora said.

"Oh?" I said

"Yeah its sort of weird but im not gonna ask abt it." Kada asked.

I kinda wanna talk to Tabito. Not because im curious why hes starting to ask im not gonna ask but i just wanna talk to him honestly.

"I think i might try n talk to Tabito after this." I said

"Hm? How come?" Sora asked

"No reason, i just wanna go and talk to him honestly... well try. It depends."

(Im honestly gonna just timeskip again to after everyones done eating bc yeah)

I walked over to Tabito.

"Hey Tabito?" I said


"Can we talk?"

"Oh... yeah sure why not"

We started walking

"I heard from Kada and Sora that you're starting to act nicer, is that true?" I asked

"Oh yeah it is actually!" He said

"Well im glad your starting to change, i think its good ur starting to honestly."

"But there's not a doubt im not still messing up the trials bc thats actually fun." He kinda laughed while saying that.

"If im being honest... im just nervous i accidentally might be rude again to you guys when im trying to be nicer."

"Well  I believe that you'll change! But some people make mistakes and if you do accidentally be mean, it's completey fine with me."

"Thanks for believing in me Nao, it's nice."

"Your welcome!"

"I mean we could be good friends even!" I said

"We just started talking more Nao, don't even go there." He said

"We might become good friends in the future later but not now we only just started talking more."

"So its like baby steps? Like are we getting somewhere orrr?" I chuckled.

He laughed a little bit.

Wow i cant believe im getting the dude who usually acts like a bitch  a lot most of the time to laugh.

"Sure Nao, sure."

"So u have any goals for this killing game?" I asked him

"Well obviously mess up the trials, and... stay alive in the game. I plan on not dying. I dont plan on dying in this game."

"Well i plan on not dying either! I wanna solve the trials, find the mastermind and traitor and get out of this game!" I said

"It's not exactly simple Nao but, agreed." He sighed

"I still can't believe I got u, Tabito Togami to laugh like 4 times!"

"I think it was 2 but yeah I'm surprised too. Are u terrible in math by any chance? " Tabito said

"Im so sorry if i sounded rude! I was just genuinely curious about it!"

"Oh no don't worry! But yeah!"

I started laughing a bit.

"I actually remember having a f- in math."

" AN F-?!"

"Yeahhh. Even if my dads got a tutor, well i remember they did, i still had a f-."

He laughed a bit again.

"I just actually didn't know they existed, u see I remembering having a decent grade in math."

"That's understable."

We reached a dead end

"I'm honestly assuming its time for lunch." Tabito said

"same." I agreed


"Hm?" Tabito said

"Race back?" I said

"Oh absolutely." He said

"1, 2 3 go."

I started running as fast as i could but he was going fast

"oh that little motherfucker" i whispered under my breath

I ran faster

(Timeskip to the point when they got back)

Tabito ended up winning. I was out of it and completely out of breath

"What the fuck thought i won!" I said

"Haha, nope, guessed ur surprised?"

"WELL YEAH" I said

"U wanna walk again after lunch? It was honestly fun to talk to u." Tabito said

"I mean... sure!" I said

"Bye Nao"

"Bye Tabito!" I walked back to our table
and saw Kada and Sora talking

"Heyyyy guys!"

"Oh hey Nao!" Sora and Kada said

"So how was ur walk with Tabito?" Kada said

"Oh good! Hes actually a nice guy when u have a sort of a long? convo w him, i was actually gonna talk with him after we're done eating!" I said.

"oh cool! " Sora said.

"Alright: Assuming Fumiko and Tabito are sitting together, Shiro and Hauhri are aswell, Ash and Aaban are as well, so are Aina and Rei and Magbel and Madoka like a few days ago."

"All of them are correct expect 1." Kada said

"Huh? Who?"

"Hauhri and Shiro. "

"I thought they'd be here? Their not?" .

I asked

"Nope. Nobody knows why their not here tho." Sora said.

"Oh." I said

(Timeskip again bc idk)

Me and Tabito walked back into the forest.

We were talking for a bit

"Did u notice Shiro and Hauhri werent there?" I asked

"No, they werent?! I thought they would be."

"Thats what i said!" I said

".... You dont think they could be..." Tabito said

"Maybe.... lets keep walking tho." I said

We kept walking till we saw ....

Shiro and Hauhris dead bodies

"... i guess i was right. " Tabito said


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