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Everyone rushed over and the tv went off again.

"2 bodies have been discovered, like normal, After a certain amount of time how ever you'd like to spend, the class trial will begin!"

We all just stared at Shiro n Hauhris dead bodies. I never really expected that they'd die. Mainly i didnt expect them to die together but I did in a way...?

"Yeah.. I'm not gonna investigate."

Ash left

'Great were fucked"

"We're not fucked Noro this has happened before. It happened with Ash before, well Fumiko, Tabito, Shiro n Hauhri did all come back so maybe we are fucked." I whispered

"I have a feeling Ash wont be coming back."

"Why are we just standing here?" Rei asked

"Yeah, we should get investigating.. yeah lets get going."

Aaban said

I noticed he was saying yeah a lot but honestly i really didnt care abt it.

"Hey does anyone remember that thing Sachi made? How abt we try that again?" Kada said

"That wheel? Well i mean sure." Rei said


"I actually think thats a good idea Kada" i said intupetting Noro

"Alright u wanna go Nao and get it w me?" Kada asked.

"Sure" i said


It was somehow put outisde of the cabin.

"Huh?" I said

"Im questioning why its out here but im not gonna ask. Let's just get it and get it back to where it was." Kada said

(Timeskip to when they got it)

"God that wheel was heavy as a brick dont u think?" I asked.

"Nah it wasnt too heavy." Kada said

"WHAT?! HOW WASN'T IT?!" I said

They laughed

"Oh hey guys were back with the wheel!" I said

"Since Sachis gone, i guess I'll be spinning it!" Tabito said

I smiled, I'm glad hes getting nicer at least trying.

"Magbel... and.."

"Me actually!" He said

"Nao and Kada!"

"Aina and Madoka!'"

"Aaban and Sora!"

"Fumiko and Rei!"

Me and Kada walked over to each other, i saw Tabito and Magbel walking to each other, same with Aina and Madoka, Aaban and Sora and Fumiko and Rei.

"So u ready to investigate?" I asked .

"Yeah!" Kada said


I pulled out my monopad and opened the monofile. I went to Shiros first.


Shiro Saihara
Place of death:in the woods.
Time of death:4:35pm

Cause of death:stabbed with a sword, causing to bleed to death.

"Wait hold on i didnt even notice there was a sword. " i said

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