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Note: There will lots of shifts in POV's between the past and present. So without further a do, happy reading!🤗

~Logan's POV~

"Who was that guy?" Brian asked for the fifth time. He's getting on my nerves by the second. Blake and Lily left a hour ago and so did mine and Yolanda's parents. Sandra was knocked out after receiving her meds. Iva also went with my parents to get some rest while Brian and I sat in awkward silence. I glanced back at Yolanda who was sleeping soundly on the sofa.

"Logan... do you know who that guy is?" Brian asked.
I glared at him and silently told him to zip it.

I sighed as unpleasant memories flooded my mind, causing me to drift away in deep thought...

<Somophore Year>

~Logan's POV~

Training's been tough, especially since the first basketball match with Everton High is in a week's time.

Despite that, I've never been happier. I finally asked Yolanda out after ten doubts, five hesitations, and two attempts, the second of which she agreed. Yeah she declined at first because she had never been in a relationship and feared 'expectations' from me but after much convincing she agreed.

She's different from every other girl and the moment I got to know more about her, I was enraptured by her character. We're goofy together. We're comfortable around each other. We're a team. Even though we both intended friendship, it slowly bloomed into something more beautiful.

Our relationship was going great, even our first date turned out perfect. Everything was normal until the day where Yolanda stood up for Bryce. As much as I adore my girl, and I don't blame her, people just take certain actions in the wrong manner. Like with Yolanda and Bryce. You see, Bryce wasn't the muscular hunk of a guy back then. In fact, he was a nerd. Not that I dislike nerds, my own girlfriend is a slight nerd in literature but he was just too much. Always kept to himself. Tall and lean were the only words used to describe him besides his ruffled hair hidden underneath his hoodie.

That day, Alex and his buddies, the school's bullies, picked on Bryce. They were throwing punches at him and demanding for money as always. They threw his books around the place. I wish I were there so I could help but I was at training. It just so happened that Yolanda was there so-

<End Flashback>
<Present time>

"Logan! You good?" Brian asked with concern, dragging me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah... just got lost in thought" I deadpanned. I stifled a yawn and stretched my arms above my head.

"Well don't do that while I'm here" Brian said while crossing his arms over his chest.

Brian gave me a look that said 'Care to share' which made me sigh in exhaustion.
Here goes nothing.

"It all started in Somophore year. It had been a two or three months since Yolanda and I began dating. Everything was normal until...." I paused to make sure Yolanda was still asleep. She was still in peaceful slumber.

"Until?" Brian asked, a glimmer of interest dancing in his eyes.

"Until Yolanda helped him out. You know how she is, looking out for others more rather than herself. She saved him from some bullies" I said, receiving a quizzical look from Brian.
"Bryce wasn't like 'this' back then. In fact he was a nerd who pushed everyone away", Brian nodded and gestured me to continue.

"Bryce actually asked Yolanda out. She obviously said no but after hearing that word, he went nuts!" I exclaimed making Brian jump.

"Sorry. He began sending flowers and little gifts to her house. There was always a note attached to everything he sent" I informed, making Brian scrunch his face in digust.

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