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⁓Tirzah's POV⁓

With eyelids that had the urge to seal shut, I still tried my hardest to overcome it.

"W-What happened?" Was all I managed to ask.

Sandra nudged Lily to expound on the situation.

"Um... so... turns out there's another hang out section here which has a pool! Anyways Sandra and I were simply enjoying and swaying to the music a-and then I had t-to get a refill a-and I had to literally scream over the music j-ust so Sandra could hear me...." at this point Lily was blabbering and beating around the bush which made my heavy eyelids to droop even more. It's as if my senses to reality kept shifting in and out, making it difficult to fully focus on her story. I could see her lips move but her slurred words entered dulled ears.

What was in that drink?

"Anyways.... the two guys... Derek and Ryan? Yeah. Quite dashing fellas, I must say. They just popped outta nowhere demanding our names and of course we stupidly declared them. He, they think that we are someone else but we're not and you know we're not so I think we should go and clear this up and let them know that we're not who they think we are because we certainly aren't them......" Lily explained all of that in just a breath yet I didn't get a thing.

"What?" I asked with a questioning look.

"I know crazy right. I mean we can't possibly be who they think we are because we don't know them. Well know we do but-"

"Lily! Just shush ya mouth! She doesn't get a word you're saying. Tirz, there's a huge misunderstanding. I think they're like part of a gang or are drug dealers or something because they demanded money that 'we' supposedly owe them. I have reason to believe that they came looking for someone by my name because when Lily screamed my name, I noticed them constantly glancing my way..." Sandra continued to explain.

"We tried convincing them that we're not the person you're looking for but they're quite adamant and plus they're really drunk. We managed slip from their presence but they're still searching for us! What do we do?" Sandra pleaded. We both simultaneously glanced towards Lily who began singing 'Bad Habits' by Ed Sherran.

"You think you can handle Lily to the car?" I asked Sandra who gave me a frown. Before she could protest, I exited the restroom in search of Blake.

The sweaty, adrenaline rushing bodies of people didn't really help as I made my way across the room. I instantly spotted her as she gulped down tequila shots at the bar.

Didn't expect that but ok...

"Blake! Blake! We have to go... Now!" I practically exclaimed the words over the blasting music. She gave me a goofy look before returning to her shots again.

"Blake! Come on! We have to go!" I pinched her arm just to capture her attention. With a sad pout, she mumbled something to the bartender before slipping and staggering out of the place. She moved rather quickly despite being under the influence or was I just too tired and slow?

Why am I so tired by the way?

My feet struggled to carry me further on as I wobbled to the door. For a moment I felt unsure of whether it was my hazy conscious or whether I was really being watched. It's an odd feeling but I shrugged it off.

Just as I exited through the door, brawny hands wrapped around my waist and suddenly pulled me towards their chest. My foggy senses hindered me from retaliating immediately.

"l-let go-..." that's all I managed to utter before being lifted off the ground. My feet dangled in the air as this person strode a few steps.

"Put me down! Somebody li-" this person halted in their tracks and in one split second pinned me against the wall, clamping their hand on my mouth. I screamed in futility as the masked person gazed at me. By the stature and physique, one could conclude this was a guy.

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