-• gender idenity and trans tingz •-

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tws: dysphoria, surgical talk, details of gentials ?, opinions, i guess

so, yes, i have been putting of this chapter, for many reasons.
firstly, the vast amount of content that will be put into this. i don't want to release it in parts because, as a whole, i believe it's best if this is all consumed together for a fuller concept of human genders complexity.

secondly, as someone who's identified as cis for the majority of my life, as well as been raised in a very conservative environment my whole life, up until high school i have had to educate myself on these topics, and i can never be sure my opinions are entirely correct. after all, there is no such thing as entirely correct, since we've just now started figuring out the science behind this stuff. as always, if i get certain facts wrong, please tell me, and i will do more research into them and correct myself, or even if there's something that would be important to add that i missed/didn't know. there will be points where i am unsure about things as well.

i think it's incredibly important having come from this background for people, cis, trans, or anywhere in between, to understand and be educated. writing and drawing trans characters is something that i myself find i tend to avoid because I'm afraid of misrepresenting them, but that shouldn't be the case. we barely see any trans representation in mainstream media, and not much even within the fanfiction community, and if we do, it's generally the same accidental fetishization or generalization unless it's written by someone who is trans themselves. which is completely understandable, because no one talks about how to write trans characters in smut, or even in general, so of course they aren't going to know how. correct and accurate representation can really help people to not only fell included, but also maybe even realize their own identity isn't what they thought it was (more later)
if you aren't educated, or you didn't know something and have misrepresented things before because you haven't had the opportunity to ask questions and have the privilege of becoming educated on these things before, i want you to know, this will be a safe space, so long as you're seeking to better and fix that. feel free to ask questions as you read, even if they seem stupid. we are all here to learn, after all. any hateful or rude comments will be deleted. i do check them all.

with that being said, onto some basics.

so, let's start with the difference between sex and gender.

sex is generally considered what's between your legs. you may hear "afab" or "amab" which means "assigned (female/male) at birth. generally, when you go to the doctors office and are asked for your sex, this is what they mean. however, there's more than just male and female. you can have mixed sex characteristics, where you would be intersex. (more on that later)

gender is a lot more complicated. gender is generally assumed to be what your brain is. so, for example, if you identify as female, you would be of the female gender, no matter what you have going on in your pants. no one knows just how many genders there are, and i could spend a whole other chapter on just the ones i know, but there is at least three, being of course, male and female, and also non-binary, which is all we will talk about for this section to get a basic understanding.

so, what makes the difference between a female and male?
believe it or not, it is not weather you have a penis or vagina, or whether you have an X or Y chromosome (there's more to sex than chromosomes, anyways, more later)
you can tell your homophobic uncle that, in fact, science has proved there is a biological difference between male and female brains and they can in fact not match up with someones assigned sex! so, at the very least on a scientific level, binary trans people do exist. also historically trans people have existed, too! in Ancient Greece or Rome, i believe (?) they used to blame it on the gods being drunk and accidentally giving the baby the wrong genitalia when they made them. non-binary people exist within history, too, in fact, Christian angels are without a gender in the Bible itself.

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