-•howz 2 rite gooder lol•-

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hey, it's the irony chapter!
where i tell you not to do all the dumb shit i do that i know i'm not supposed to!

you see that? right above this line? yeah, it's a space, that's right! i hit, what's known as the enter key, not once, so it looks like
this, no, we do it

t w i c e, so that there's a space in the middle.

some formats do call for non separate starts of paragraphs like that (i completely forget what it's called), but here on Wattpad it annoys the FUCK outta me when paragraphs have no spacing in between. why? because, try and comment on one paragraph when they're all smashed together like that. it doesn't work. your readers comments will end up at the very end of the entire thing, or whenever you decided "hm, yeah, now there's a slightly more pronounced bit where i could separate it, let's actually hit the enter key one more time this time for the only part in the entire chapter"

it's harder to read, it's harder to engage in, and it's my biggest pet peeve, clearly. i have funny jokes i wanna comment that just won't make sense at the end of this collection of paragraphs. sure, you can highlight only one part of it, but who the fuck does or pays attention to that feature? and what if people only open up the comments at the very end? it just doesn't hit the same. not to mention, seeing viewers thoughts on a specific section as opposed to all at the end is so much more useful for judging their perception of the vibes in that one part, nessisary for suspense, twists, building up literally fucking anything. hit the enter key just one more time PLEASE i swear it isn't that fucking hard.

a lot of people don't separate them at all. not even a
this type of separation. which is more of a problem of not knowing where to do so usually, and is a lot more forgivable. it falls into the same category as people not knowing where to put punctuation for me so they just don't put any at all.

listen, and i know i'm gonna sound like an english teacher here, (trust me, if there's anyone who hates the school system's teaching of the subject it's me):
say it as you would out loud. where you stop or pause, put a comma. and, of course, follow basic grammar rules. don't make a sentence too long without adding the bit you need in the middle, usually with a comma or :/;, or whatever that one type of word is.

i make a ton of mistakes with making sentences too long or improper all the fucking time but it shouldn't look like how this paragraph looks its all messy and hard to read isn't it. even though i put a period there when it should have been a question mark and have two more commas and a period and not make me wanna die idk if it's an adhd thing but i really have a hard time getting more than a slurred drunken nonsensical idea of any clue what this may have been about no matter how many times i reread it

see? chaos.

listen, it can be good for writing things like panicked thought during a panic attack or something very fast-paced and blurred in first person, but it still should rarely ever be used.

also don't use 'this' for dialogue. it's "this one".  'this' is usually more representative of thought rather than spoken aloud word, often in 'italics' as well, however i don't know if thats actually grammatically correct. probably not, but i dunno how else to properly show thought, so i usually use just italics or italics and that.

another thing, don't not use neither/none. i stg. i will strangle you.

oh and switching between two different people's dialogue like this?:

He looked her in the eyes. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" "Maybe, what exactly do you think it is that I'm saying?" "I dunno, you tell me. Maybe that... you really do like me."

no. stop. we can't tell who's speaking. ESPECIALLY if there's more than two people. technically, you're supposed to start a new paragraph everytime it switches, but even some proper big wig authors don't stick to that depending on the scene. even with starting a new line every time, you should still make sure it indicates who's speaking decently well, or it can be just as confusing. just make sure it's separated ffs. here, here's how i'd do it.

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