-▪basic fucking anatomy (male)▪-

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listen here fuckers, cause I'm only gonna say this once.


If doctors can reach it with their fingers, somebody's dick isn't gonna only be able to hit it once they go all the way up inside. It's not that big to reach that far up, either. So if someone is "slamming into their prostate" or some shit, they may be, but then they're going up past it unless they aren't going all the way in.

another thing, it's towards the front, not the back.

and stop calling it the g-spot maybe, it's not the same thing. g-spot is for women, which we'll get to later.

seCondly, if you've never shoved a finger up your ass, the inside basically feels like your throat, but without much natural lubricant. there's a really tight ring of muscles right at the entrance, you can feel it, it's pretty stong. once you get past it, it's a little easier and less tight, but still needs stretched out.

speaking of which, if you don't use lube, you could really hurt or tear something. your asshole could literally bleed, or rip.  without some form of lube, shit ain't fun. it's really hard to adjust to, too. a finger or two might be okay, but mr. or mrs. big-dick-mc-fanfic really just should like, stick to oral or something. use the saliva as lube (even though it's not much), it's better than nothing. we'll talk more about lube later.

if someone is engaging in anal, they'll probably wanna clean themselves out first. there's many diffrent ways to do this, some more efficient than others, but you really pretty much need to if you're not trying to get shit on someone's dick/toy. there's douces, made mostly for this purpose, or things like bidets or even strong shower heads can do the trick, though not as well. they'll absolutely wanna make sure they're fresh if there's rimming involved. future chapter just on rimming later.

okay so,

listen man, dicks don't just magically arise like a balloon being filled by an air pump or suddenly pop up. it happens in twitches, often with their heartbeat as blood pumps into it, little by little. so think more like, a breath by breath blowing up of a balloon. a huff, then another, then another.

people get hard at diffrent rates. when you're younger or more aroused, it's generally easier. sometimes it doesn't cooperate that fast. people don't get instantly fully erect. it can happen pretty quick though.

no one is gonna want anyone to see their flaccid dick the first time they have sex if they can avoid it. it's not at its full like, presentation, you know? I mean, i'm sure plenty of people don't mind, but still.
similarly, no one is gonna have anyone suck their half hard dick most of the time. they'll probably do something more like a handjob first.

also, precum is a thing. it's like, a tiny amount of wetness lube stuff just to get things a little more slippery (but not much), and it's clear. not sure exactly at what point of erection-ness it happens, maybe it depends, but definitely towards the beginning.

i don't personally have a penis, but from what i've heard, having a boner feels kind of like a permanently flexed muscle, and it's like, all you can focus on. most of the time, it's not as psychological and more physical when guys (or anyone with a penis) gets turned on. after a while, it can become uncomfortable, or even painfull, especially if they're fully erect.

it is extremely hard to pee when you're hard. some people think you can't, but you can, it's just really difficult, and if I remember correctly, it hurts too.
this is because when you get hard, your dick is like, "okay, it's nut time, not pee time." guys pee out of the same place they cum, obviously, but they don't want the bacteria to interact with where the semen comes in or it could travel upwards and cause infection. so there's a sort of cap that makes it so only one is supposed to be able to use the hole at a time.

if the shlong is long, it can actually touch the toilet water once you sit down to use the bathroom, so, glad I don't have to worry about that. i thought it was just a meme for a while, but apparently not o.O

i see a lot of people saying how "their massive cock springs up against their stomach" or something, but news flash: mostly only smaller dicks do that. more weight, more gravity. it's just science my dude.

also, your balls can get bigger when you're turned on, apparently. not 100% on that, balls are kinda a weird mystery to me outside of the literal fuctions within, so I just kind of avoid them. but they do shrink when it's colder to retreat more into the warmth of your body, keep the nut producing factories at the right temperature. you can actually kind of shove them back up into where they came from, but it's uncomfortable. drag queens do it when they tuck.

the tip/head is the most sensitive part.

it's like, the clitoris of the penis. too much attention, and it'll get overstimulated, just like it.

foreskin is also a thing, except when it's not. if you don't know, foreskin is skin that covers the head of the penis when its not erect, and provides extra lubricant. it also makes you extra sensitive.

a lot of parents are like, "fuck it, let's cut it off lol" sounds fucked up, i know. there's plenty of reasons why, some religious, some rooted in anti-masturbation bullshit from like the 1910's or something, some just because "oh, my baby's dick should look like mine, right?", which is pretty weirdchamp, but it happens. there's also just laziness, as you have to clean it well or bacteria can grow.
it's not the place to debate all this, though. we're here to talk about how it works so you can better write about it.

if theyre cut like most people in western culture, you dont really have to worry about it. if they arent, (more common in places like japan for you weebs), you may have to push the foreskin back beforehand, you may not. i'm pretty sure it depends on how hard they are, and their personal anatomy. if it's not cleaned well, you get smegma, otherwise known as cockcheese, thank you bruno powroznik. (however the fuck you spell that). tastes nasty. maybe don't.

cum, cum is warm, can be hot even, kinda sticky, but not super viscous, semi translucent white, and dries crusty. taste can vary depending on their diet and hygiene, obviously the healthier the less gross. you can cum a lot, or you can cum a little. it can be in bursts, or one big load, or strings. it all depends on the orgasm and the person.

some people don't like cum, or being cum on, or in, the feeling can be gross. some people fucking love it, and have a cum fetish. theres even dildos that "cum", and cum lube, etc. sometimes they can like being cum on, but not in, and here's why.

what comes in, must go out.
that's right, cum, lube, spit, other stuff if you're into that, all of it. it's all gonna leak out at some point, especially while youre still looser. they can do the awkward waddle over to the toilet with their hand cupped under them, ruin their sheets and underwear, or, a lot of times you'll see (in gay smut, at least) a butt plug to keep it in for kinky purposes. it keeps you stretched, too.

that's all for this chapter, as I'm getting tired of writing, but more to come soon as I have so much more i wanna say even just on this topic alone. figured this would be a well demanded first part considering my audience xP
hope you learned something.

i plan on featuring more on the female version of this, lube and toys, consent, and more, too.

almost named this chapter basic fucking anatomy for the gays bc i do it for the girls and the gays that's it
and everyone else too 💜

stay safe, everyone.

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