-•basic fucking anatomy (female)•-

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no cap; vaginas be complex sometimes, so they'll probably be a second part to this at some point with all the shit I forgot

firstly, okay, you don't pee out of your vagina. there's a separate hole for that. it's more middle-ish, maybe closer to the clitoris, which, as we all know, is muy important for the sexing.

if you don't know where the clitoris is, don't worry, it's not that hard to find. the clitoris is actually bigger than you think. it includes the the clitoral hood and some other shit too, but the part we usually refer to as the clitoris, aka, the sensitive part, isn't that big. so do worry?

basically, it's like, in the top middle of the front part with all the foldy squishy wet bit, and it feels like a little button under the skin almost. seems weird to talk about squishy foldy wet bits? that's because, as i said, vaginas are weird, and i dunno how to write about them without using words like "moist" and shit. so get used to that.
thIS is whY I wriTe GaY shiT OKaY?

anyways, all shapes and variations are pretty normal, no one is gonna look exactly the same down there.

it can be reddish pink or dusty pink or plenty of other organic colors, depending on your skin tone and just how it wants to be, you know? and that's chill. same way dicks can be a different skin tone than their normal skin tone, so can pussies.

also similarly, your clit can enlarge when aroused, because why not, i guess.

uh gspot doesn't technically exist, some people have thinner vaginal walls, which makes it easier to access the clit from inside, but there's no magical place inside like a prostate. though, if you do have thinner walls, it's near the front, obviously.

there's also the skene glands, once again a the front, sometime called female prostate, but is also kinda bullshit.

so obviously you probably aren't going to cum from just using your fingers like a mini three inch dick. most of the time people can't even cum from only vaginal stimulation with an average for inch dick. so that leads us back to...

that's right, the clitoris. clitoral stimulation is usually the way to go, mixed in with some other things. just know it's easy to get overstimulated, which can cause pain, so like, be careful, and communicate what feels good and what's too much.

most of the time, for people with vaginas and female hormones (which is a whole other topic, by the way), arousal is just as mental as it is physical.

also being turned on as a girl physically kind of feels like you have to pee, but like, most people never thought to compare it to that until they see someone else say it.

OH, for fucks sake, wipe front to back. you will get an infection.
literally everything is so close together it's so easy to get one even with proper hygiene. a uti can literally spread to your kidneys and kill you.

speaking of which, that's why you always pee after sex. to avoid a uti. especially if they're nasty, but maybe just don't fuck them in the first place if so.

vaginas are self cleaning. you should absolutely clean the outside with gentle soaps and such, but don't fuck with the inside. it won't do you any good unless you're told by a doctor to do so. it can make it even worse. it knows what it's doing, let it do it's thing sis.

a little bit of smell is normal, but it shouldn't smell bad. it's not gonna smell like fucking flowers or some shit, that's not how it works. same with taste. it'll either taste like nothing or slight something but never bad.

apparently a good method for eating someone out is spell the alphabet with your tounge and see which letters they like best. everyone has different things they like, circles, flicks, up or down, this way or that way. you just need to figure out, or even ask how they like it, and it'll turn out as a much better experience for the both of you.

dental dams exist. it's pussy eating condoms. you're welcome.

there should always be a little natural lubricant, but more will be produced on both the inside and outside once you get aroused.

some girls just can't cum, and that's okay and normal. some people can orgasm without cumming. some people squirt, some cream. sometimes it's really hard to get certain people to cum, sometimes it's easy as fuck. all of it's okay.

also girl cum has two different types. squirting fluid, which is normally colorless an odorless. it apparently is like, really diluted pee, but not as gross. and then there's ejaculate fluid, which is more thick and sometimes milky, sometimes clear. and cum doesn't always get expelled so you may not even notice it.

orgasms can help with cramps, too.

oh and titties aren't always sensitive. same with guys too. some people get turned on from it, some don't. it one of those things that just varies from person to person.

that's all the pussy talk i have in me today, thanks for learning✌🏻

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