Chapter 1

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It was a warm summers day, early morning practice had just finisher and I found myself exhausted from training. While the others started to pack up and finish for the day, I found myself sitting to the side staring into the distance. My eye found its target. There in the distance was the archery range. Normally it was rare to see anyone using it and when people did they were probably being forced or messing about. But there was always one person that could be found practising. The school's gym teacher and archery master Artemis. Like most of the teachers here she was a goddess and that was made clear in many ways. Her technique was flawless her posture never faltered. Whenever she lined up for a shot time seemed to stop and one could be mistaken for believing it to be a magnificent painting.

"Ohhh Miss Artemis is practising again. She looks so focused and terrifying but I can't take my eyes off of her." My concentration was broken by the voice of two other students walking past also admiring the goddess's beauty. Something that annoyed me greatly.

"Yeah, she's certainly a looker. She even puts a few of the goddess's of beauty to shame. Still it's such a waste. I heard she's rejected everyone that ever attempted to ask her out." I found myself smiling after hearing that. But still found myself mildly interested in their conversation.

"I heard the last guy that tried, interrupted her during practice. She didn't even hesitate to use him as target practice!" The boy shivered at his friends comment quickly looking away from her.

"Shit, she's looking this way! Avoid eye contact and lets go! The last student she caught were made to run circles round the track!" They dropped their gaze and head straight towards the exit making sure not to divert or slow down for any reason.

It was then I realised that everyone had left. I was alone with my thoughts and a dangerous blue-haired beauty. Well, that's what I'd like to say. However, it's not so simple. I find myself returning my gaze to her. Only to find her staring back. Her eyes were like large emeralds glistening in the sunlight and made it difficult not to stare directly into them.

I gulped after realising my presence had been noticed. She continued to hold her position arrow fully drawn and ready. Yet her eyes never left mine. Without warning, she let go of the string and the arrow flew forwards. I didn't see what happened I was too busy with our little staring contest. After a minute or so she finally broke off easing her body. She still didn't make any attempt to see her shot instead heading in the opposite direction to store away her bow.

'Should I try and leave while I still have the chance?' I wondered to myself. If anything now was the perfect opportunity. Yet my body didn't seem to want to move. Instead, I waited and watched. Something that people would consider a death sentence. When she finally returned however her attention was still fully placed on me.

I found myself blushing with a cold sweat as she pointed at me. Swinging her finger back and forth telling, nay ordering me to come to her. I gulped again and my body stood to attention. I wasn't going to refuse a command from a goddess. Certainly not her. The moment I took my first step she turned around and slowly headed out towards the main field. I followed quickly behind only slowing down briefly as I passed the range and taking a quick peek at her last shot.

"Dead centre. The rumours about her never missing are true it seems." With my curiosity satisfied I continued to follow her. When I finally caught up she was standing over a large pile of gear that the other classes had used prior. It quickly became apparent that she wanted me to help her so I did. It wasn't the first time such a thing happened. Truth be told I usually found myself in this situation. Not that I minded it was better than being on her bad side after all.

"Thank you for helping me Bell. I swear I don't know how I managed to do this without you" She spoke softly to me with a large smile. One that most of the boys rarely got to see from her. It was a reward in of itself and made staying back an extra hour worth it. Even if this did start as a punishment.

Don't toy with me Miss ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now