Chapter 3

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I awoke to the soft sounds of birds singing outside. A small beam of light shone down on my face, stirring me from my sleep. It was a shame too, I was having such a wonderful dream. I had just saved a beautiful girl from a terrifying monster. It was like the grand tales of heroes long gone. A huge scorpion with the power of heaven raining arrows of light down upon me. Strike after strike blow after blow the beast stood strong. A spear laid at my feet, a last-ditch throw was all I had. My aim was true as were my feelings at that moment. The beast disappeared and the girl fell into my arms. We made a promise to one another. To have a thousand years of romance. Outside the lands had begun to heal and upon a great lake, we danced under the moonlight. It was magical. It was beautiful. It was perfect. There was just one thing that was confusing.

'Why did she have to look like Miss Artemis...?'

I laid there my eyes now fully awake as I stared up at the ceiling. To say I wanted the dream to continue was an understatement, I'd never want to wake up. Even now my heart beats rapidly as it recalls the details. Her long free-flowing blue hair swaying in the wind. Her fair skin glowing in the moonlight. Eyes like big emeralds staring deep into me and mine back at hers. The resemblance to my new teacher was so similar I could have been mistaken for believing it was her.

"Bell, Are you awake? It's time to get up."

Hestia called to me from outside the room giving my door a quick knock just to be sure. I turned my head to face it before replying.

"Yes goddess I'm awake..."

Though only just. I sat up and stretched my arms a light crack came from me right as I loosened up my joints.

Hestia began humming to herself.

"Good wouldn't want you to be late. Artemis can be pretty harsh when it comes to punishments."

I couldn't tell if she was joking or being absolutely serious, even her tone of voice seemed to shift from one part to the next. But still I climbed out of bed and headed for the bathroom. Upon entering I quickly discarded my night clothes throwing them in the nearby laundry basket. After which I began to run the water for a warm shower. While I waited for it to heat up, I took the time to look at myself in the mirror. My hair was completely a mess. I was going to wash it anyway and I should have enough time to dry it before I have to leave.


I began running my hands through my hair. It was for no other reason than curiosity. I remember shortly before opening my eyes a strange sensation running through my hair. Though it quickly stopped. Shame I'd quite enjoyed it. Though if I had realised what I had been laying on I might have kept my eyes closed a little longer.

I smiled to myself.

"That's got to be the best lap pillow I've ever had."

Admittedly it was my first and only lap pillow, but damn it was like nothing I've ever felt. It was like laying on a marshmallow, smooth and soft with just the right amount of bounce. It was then I realised what it was I was doing and I kicked myself for it. Hard!

'I need to stop thinking about those things... She's pretty, no... that's an understatement, she is downright gorgeous. No wonder the girl in my dream looked like her, she's perfect.'

It was at this point I felt the heat from the shower behind me. I closed my eyes and allowed the dream to pass. Today was the start of a new adventure and I wasn't about to be distracted. I processed to wash from top to bottom. Once that was done I quickly grabbed my towel from the side and dried myself heading back to my room. My school uniform was hung up and neatly pressed already for me thanks to the goddess. It was still something I was getting used to. It was difficult to move in, having to wear a shirt and blazer but I made do. The trousers were fine. A tad big in places, but I'd rather that then them being to small. The part I hated the most though was the shoes. Shiny black and hard leather. They were as comfortable as they looked. Maybe it was because I never had to wear them before but it was like walking on the hard floor.

Don't toy with me Miss ArtemisWhere stories live. Discover now