𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 1: 𝓓𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓼

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Addy was at the leaky cauldron. She was staying there with the Weasley's and Hermione. The Weasley's had just got back from Egypt. Addy was also pretty anxious because there were posters all over diagon alley after Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban.

When the Hogwarts letter arrived it was the morning so Addy got dressed and went down for breakfast. She got toast with eggs and some pumpkin juice. With her money she went out to diagon alley with Hermione. They were about to walk into Flourish and Blotts when Draco came up to them and said, "Well if it isn't the blood traitor and mudblood!"

"Get lost, Malfoy!" Addy said sticking her wand to his throat. He ran off and they went to get their books.

For the extra classes Addy was taking Muggle Studies, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes. Dora had taken Muggle Studies and divination. She told her about divination and Addy decided not to take that class. After buying the books they needed, they went to the pet shop with Ron because he needed some medicine for Scabbers. There was a ginger cat called Crookshanks that jumped on Ron's head. Hermione bought him and Ron was annoyed by it.

On the seventh of August Harry arrived here. Ron and Hermione were fighting again and Addy was just sat watching them. When Harry came down to the three of them, it took a while for Ron and Hermione to realise he was here but Addy just laughed when she saw him smirking at them. "Harry!" Hermione said looking around Ron.

Addy stood up, walked over to Harry and said, " He's been there for a while. We were laughing at you and Ron fighting!"

Addy went up to her room so she could send her mum the Hogsmeade form she had with a note saying 'Please can you sign this mum! 'The next day Izzy flew in with her Hogsmeade form and her mum had signed it. Ron, Hermione, Harry and Addy did hang out in Diagon Alley most days.

On the morning of them going back to Hogwarts, Addy woke up at 7:00. She packed her trunk and cleaned Izzy's cage in half an hour. Addy got dressed and then went out to diagon alley to go buy a drink for on the train. When she got back it was 7:45. Everyone was eating breakfast and Addy sat down next to Hermione. She got some toast with eggs and some bacon.

They got onto platform 9 3/4 with 10 minutes until 11:00. They got on just before the train left. Hermione, Ron, Harry and Addy found a compartment but there was an adult sat in there. They didn't care because he was asleep and everywhere else was full. Harry told them that Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban to come after him.

Ron looked out the window to see the cold, miserable day. Everything started to freeze. Addy's pumpkin juice froze and so did the window. Harry stood up and looked out the door down the hall where more students where looking out their compartment. When Harry closed the door he fell backwards and Ron looked out the window again. The power went out and Ron saw something moving outside. Neville and Ginny came into their compartment terrified.

The compartment door slid open slowly. Then a large hooded figure entered and it felt like the world would never be happy again. Harry, Ginny and Addy were terrified most of all. The three of them had had the worst fear out of the whole school with the dark arts. Harry had survived the killing curse with a scar on his head and last year Ginny and Addy had been possessed multiple times by the memory of Tom Riddle. Sucking Harry's soul the man who had presumably been asleep stood up and cast a spell unknown to Addy and Hermione. The spell caused the dementor to fly backwards out the compartment and out of sight.

Harry passed out. A few minutes later Harry woke up and the man gave them all some chocolate. "Eat it will help!" said the unknown man.

"What was that thing?" Harry asked starting to eat his chocolate.

"A dementor. One of the guards of Azkaban. It was searching the train for Sirius Black." the man said.

When they were almost at Hogwarts Harry, Ron and Neville left the compartment so Ginny, Hermione and Addy could put their robes on. When them three were changed they walked out and let the three boys in to get changed. Harry opened the door when those three where changed and they all sat talking until they where at Hogwarts. Percy then came round to make sure everyone was in their robes. Percy had been made headboy and he made sure everyone knew that.

When they got off the train it was raining heavily and all the years that weren't first year ran for the carriages. When they sat down in the great hall they saw the man from the train sat where Gilderoy Lockhart used to sit. After the sorting Dumbledore told them about the restrictions about going into the the forbidden forest and then told everyone that the dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds.

After dinner Addy went to her dorm with Hermione, Lavender, Parvati and Sky. They heard the third year boys having fun as well as them. They were all bored and didn't want to go to bed as they had an hour and a half till curfew. "Guys. There is this game I used to play when I was younger with my sister. It's called two truths one lie. Wanna play it?" Addy asked.

"Sure. How do you play it?" Asked Parvati .

"Basically you tell everyone two truths about yourself and one lie about yourself and we have to guess which is the lie." Addy said.

" I've played this before! " Sky said, "I'll go first. Ok umm. I live in Surrey. I have a big brother called Noah. I have a little sister called Maya. Which is the lie?"

"You live in Surrey." The four of them said.

" Me next. Ok my mum is part of the most noble house of Black. My older sister is an auror. Me and my sister never fight. Which is the lie? " Addy asked.

"Your mum is part of the most noble house of Black." Parvati and Lavender guessed.

"Your sister is an auror!" Said Sky.

" You and your sister never fight! " said Hermione.

"Hermione is correct!" Addy said.

" Ok um. My best friend is Addy. I could have been sorted into Ravenclaw. I like Ron Weasley. Which is the lie? " Hermione said.

The rest of them said together, "You like Ron Weasley!" Hermione nodded. When Lavender and Parvati had their turn they played more games before climbing into bed at ten o'clock.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Three - The Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now