𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5: 𝓖𝓻𝔂𝓯𝓯𝓲𝓷𝓭𝓸𝓻 𝓥𝓢 𝓗𝓾𝓯𝓯𝓵𝓮𝓹𝓾𝓯𝓯

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Addy woke up to the sound of rain and remembered she had a quiditch match today. She put her quidditch robes on, and went down to the Gryffindor Common Room and found the rest of the quidditch team. They went out to the quidditch pitch in the pouring rain. It started thundering as soon as they stepped onto the pitch. When they started, Addy caught the quaffle. Addy flew down the field before passing it to Angelina, and scores. 

"Tonks has the quaffle. She passes it to Johnson and she throws it at the hoops and Gryffindor scores. Gryffindor leaves Hufflepuff ten to nothing. Alicia Spinnet has the quaffle. She passes it to Tonks!" Lee Jordan said. Someone from Hufflepuff stole the quaffle of Addy and scored. It was now Gryffindor with ten and hufflepuff with ten.

When Hufflepuff was at sixty and Gryffindor was at fifty Angelina was about to be hit by a bludger but Fred and George hit it away. Addy saw a bludger pelting towards her and Fred and George saw. As George flew to try and hit it away, the bludger was to quick and knocked her off her broom. Addy fell to the floor, allowing her body to cave in. She felt herself falling, never feeling the impact she was awaiting.

Harry's P.O.V
He saw Addy fall to the ground, desperately wanting to help her, but saw Wood glaring at him with a face saying 'Do your job.' He saw Cedric Diggory flying for the snitch. Harry chased him and the rain was becoming heavier. It was hard to fly in but he kept going. Hermione had put a spell on his glasses so it would repel water and he would be able to see whilst flying. When Cedric had almost caught the snitch he was struck by lightning and fell off his broom. Harry still tried to catch the snitch. Harry continued to fly upwards but lost sight of the snitch from the rain.

Whilst looking Harry saw a cloud shaped like the grim. It kept showing up. Harry caught sight of the snitch and as he flew higher to get it his broom started to freeze. It got colder but it didn't rain harder than it already was. Harry saw demetor's flying round and one came up to him. Harry didn't know how to fight them and he fell off his broom and the last he heard was Dumbledore casting a spell.

Ron's P.O.V
Ron had seen Addy, Cedric and Harry fall. Hufflepuff won the match even though no one caught the snitch. Gryffindor had seventy points and hufflepuff had a hundred points. When the game finished the Gryffindor team went down to where Harry and Addy were laying. Ron had seen Harry's broom flying to the whomping willow and went to go get it. He found Harry's broom broken beyond repair. Ron picked up all the pieces of Harry's broom he could find so he could show him what happened when he woke up.

Ron took it to the hospital wing were Harry and Addy had already been moved to. At the other side of the room laid Cedric Diggory and the hufflepuff team were stood around his bed. Addy's arm was broken. She had her arm in a sling. Harry woke up and Ron showed him his broom. He was devastated. Ron told him how it broke and then Addy woke up.

Addy's P.O.V
Addy heard Ron tell Harry what happened to his broom and then she sat up. Hermione, Sky, Parvati and Lavender came up to her to make sure she was okay. "Where is my broom?" Addy asked the girls.

Sky looked at the others and said, "We don't know!"

"It's in the common room." George said. Madame Pomfrey walked in and said Addy could leave but Harry had to stay for a week. He refused to let anyone throw away his shattered broom. Hermione, Ron and Addy spent most of their time in the hospital wing with Harry.

When the Hufflepuff team wasn't around Addy would go sit with Cedric. He hadn't woken up yet and it had been five days. Sometimes when she was sat with him tears would roll down her cheek. She walked into the hospital wing on Sunday to see Harry but then she looked at were Cedric had been all week. The curtains had been open and the Hufflepuff team were talking to someone.

When the Hufflepuff team left Addy said bye to Harry and went to Cedric. They hugged each other and Cedric said, "Hey Addy. How are you?"

" I've been better! " Addy replied.

"Why what happened to you?" Cedric asked me.

"A bludger hit my arm." She told him.

"How did it happen? " He asked concerned.

"Fred and George hit one away from Angelina and neither of them made it in time to hit it away from me!" Addy told him.

Addy sat with him until dinner then she said bye and left. Addy reached the great hall and sat with Hermione. Hermione asked her, "Where have you been all afternoon?"

"In the hospital wing!" Addy replied.

"Why?" Sky asked her.

Addy said, "I was with Cedric."

Adrianna Tonks - Book Three - The Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now