𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 4: 𝓗𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓮𝓮𝓷 𝓑𝓪𝓵𝓵

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Addy couldn't wait. The ball was tonight. There was a duelling competition were in every house someone voted a boy and girl from their house to duel. For Hufflpuff Cedric and Susan Bones. For Ravenclaw Eddie Carmichael and Cho Chang were chosen. For Slytherin Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson were chosen and for Gryffindor Harry and Addy were chosen.

Addy had got her outfit ready. She spent most the day getting her essay done for McGonagall and her Potions homework done. Potions was always the hardest especially for her. Addy's sister, the lunatic, had once turned into Snape using her powers. Long story short she pumped into the real Snape and now he hates Addy because of her sister.

When Addy had finished both of her homework, it was lunch. She sat down with Hermione, Ginny, Ron and Harry. As she was eating she looked up and saw Cedric staring at her. When it reached 5:00 in the evening Addy headed to the shower room with Hermione and Sky. Sky was going with Dean. Hermione still wasn't going but at least she had Sky. It reached 6:30 and Addy headed out of the common room with Sky, Ron and Harry. Cedric was waiting outside Gryffindor house for her.

"Hi Cedric!" Addy said.

"Hi Addy." Cedric replied.

She walked down to the hall with Cedric and Addy saw George smile at her. Fred was going with Angelina Johnson and George was with Alicia Spinnet.

The ball was fun she danced with Cedric. Addy felt butterflys in her stomach as Cedric held her while they danced. "Everyone we now have the duelling competition. Everyone who was chosen please step up onto the platform in the middle. You all know who you are duelling with. Begin!" Dumbledore said.

Addy was duelling Draco first and Harry was duelling Pansy. Addy cast stupefy and knocked Draco out. Harry beat Pansy, Cedric beat Cho, Addy beat Malfoy and Eddie Carmichael beat Susan Bones.

There was Harry, Cedric, Eddie and Addy left. Addy was duelling Eddie and Harry was duelling Cedric. Eddie was a year older than her but she beat him and Cedric beat Harry. Addy honestly didn't want to duel Cedric but she had to. Their duel went on for like five minutes before Addy disarmed Cedric catching his wand. Addy's prize was two days alone in Hogsmeade with one friend. Addy gave Cedric his wand back and they went to sit down. They relaxed for a bit before dancing again.

At midnight Cedric walked Addy back to her common room and she bid him good night.

Addy woke up the next morning in the same dress she was wearing last night. She was obviously to tired to get changed last night. Addy remembered she had today and tomorrow with one friend in Hogsmeade with no other students. Dumbledore had informed everyone who worked in Hogsmeade that there would be two students in Hogsmeade.

After she finished her breakfast Addy walked out the great hall and saw Cedric by himself. Addy walked up to him and said, "Hi Ced!" 

"Oh, hi Addy!" He said.
"Do you want to come to Hogsmeade with me today?" Addy asked him.

"Sure let me tell my friends. See you later Addy." Cedric said.

"See you later Cedric." Addy replied.

Hermione and Sky saw me and came up to her. Sky said, "Someone had a crush!"

Addy got annoyed and said, "I do not."

"Yeah totally because asking Cedric to go to Hogsmeade with you and blushing after he walked off means nothing." Hermione said.

"Oh shut up!" Addy said to them. They started laughing and they walked to their dorm and found Izzy with a letter. Addy took it off her and read it. It said:


Dumbledore sent an owl saying your the new duelling champion at Hogwarts. Congrats! Is that true? What's you reward? By the way mum and dad have gone camping in the forest of dean. Mum would also like to know if you are coming home, staying at Hogwarts or going to a friends house for christmas.


Addy got some parchment and a quill and wrote to her sister saying:


Yeah I am the new duelling champion at Hogwarts. Do you actually think Dumbldore would lie to you. My reward is to got to Hogsmeade today and tomorrow with one friend whilst no other students are there.


Addy left the room to leave for Hogsmeade. She saw an owl fly to Cedric's dorm whilst looking out the window. She left the common room and found Cedric with his friends. Addy motioned to him to come so they could leave. The day went by quickly. At twelve o'clock they were sat in a restaurant getting lunch. "Addy can I tell you something?" Cedric asked.

"Sure!" she replied.

" I like you, for awhile now. Do you want to be my girlfriend? " Cedric asked her. Addy looked at the floor and smiled. She started blushing. "I shouldn't have said tha-" Cedric started before Addy interrupted him.

"I like you to. Yes, I would like to be your girlfriend!"

The rest of today and tomorrow went by quickly. Addy hadn't told her friends about her and Cedric but she took Hermione to Hogsmeade with her on the second day of her reward.

When they sat in a cafe because they were hungry Addy said, "Hermione I need to tell you something!"

"What is it?" Hermione asked.

"Cedric and I are dating!" Addy replied.

Hermione gasped and said, " Since when? "

Addy replied saying, "Yesterday. Please don't tell anyone."

"Ok I won't tell anyone. I promise." The rest of the day was fun. Just Addy and my best friend for once. No Harry and Ron to follow them around and annoy them. They got back to the castle and Hermione walked off as she saw Cedric coming up to Addy.

"Hey I haven't seen you all day. I was wondering if you wanted to come to my house for christmas as my parents will be going to Romania for Christmas." Cedric said.

"Sure I'll come. I just need to send an owl to my sister so she can tell my mum that I'll be staying at your house." Addy replied.

"Ok. See you later." Cedric said.

"Bye." Addy said. She walked off to her room and picked up the letter to her sister. She said she would be staying at a friends house. Addy then sent Izzy off with it and told her to come straight back.

Adrianna Tonks - Book Three - The Prisoner Of AzkabanWhere stories live. Discover now