Aquarius and Taurus compatibility

420 16 3

Lowest compatibility—

Taurus—Earth, Fixed

Aquarius—Air, Fixed

A Taurus and Aquarius mix is a difficult one. Taurus, an Earth sign, craves stability, and practicality. While Aquarius is more unpredictable and doesn't need stability as much. In a past life, Taurus was probably a rich stay at home mom, however, Aquarius was most likely a hippy, or some sort of traveler. It can work as a friendship,and even as that it can be difficult, but in a romantic relationship it may not be the best choice. Taurus will easily get agitated by Aquarius' unstable life style, and the way they treat their friends as though they were family. For Taurus, they want to be the main person In their life with no other distractons from them. It could work if either of them had something different for their Venus sign, but if not, it may end bad.

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