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Most Aquarians are introverts, or are both introvert and extrovert in a nice little bowl of happiness. Still, Aquarians are one of the most sociable sign, or at least in the top five. They are social butterflies and love to meet people that have a good heart, add qualities to there life that they don't have, and or have amazing personalities. They won't be friends with you if you blindly judge people, or if you are mean to people just because of stupid reasons. Their friend group consist of great people, but they dont always want to be around them. If they had the choice to go out with friends to a public place or stay at home and watch TV, they might have a hard time choosing. They can be quite the hermit at times, but then the next day they want to do anything and everything. Sometimes they just dont like people in general, and other times they want to meet all the people in the world. One reason they might be more introverted than extroverted is because they can be awkward at times, and they dont like to be awkward. As a fixed sign, they want direction when doing things, so meeting people they don't know can be difficult when they don't know what to say or how to act. So sometimes they just stand off to the side until someone comes to them.

Aquarius stuff w/ Granny FrancisWhere stories live. Discover now