Aquarius and Sagittarius compatibility

380 15 2

Best compatibility—

Sagittarius—Fire, Mutable

Aquarius—Air, Fixed

This duo is a great one. The Aquarius and Sagittarius both get each other on an emotional and physical level, and they both have similar views on things. Aquariand don't usually trust people, but the people they do trust are usually Sagittarians. This is because their bond is brotherly/sisterly and can never be broken. Sagittarius and Aquarius could get into a fight, then minuets later they are forgetting it ever happened and doing other stuff. Sometimes Sagittarius can be a little too dense for Aquarius to handle, but it usually fades as time passes. Sagittarians are naturally drawn to Aqauriand because of their mysteriousness, and their ability to bond instantly. The two are open minded, and they both care about the well being of the Earth. They both share the natral instinct to travle the world, and to live life to the fullest. This is one of the best zodiac relationships for Aquarius and Sagittarius.

Aquarius stuff w/ Granny FrancisWhere stories live. Discover now