Aquarius and Pisces compatibility

478 13 2

Ok compatibility--

Pisces--Water, Mutable

Aquarius--Air, Fixed

This pairing is hard. Pisces is super very emotional and clingy, while Aquarius is unemotional and detatched. Pisces is scary to Aquarius, with their clingyness and their fast pace in love, and Pisces can be very violent people because they tend to let their emotions take control, and Aquarius doesn't like that. Aquarius is a lover not a fighter, unles it is absolutely nessisary. On the other hand, Pisces is quick to violence and they are very protective. I dated a Pisces, and he was just like that. But Aquarius' love Pisces' intellectual side and their creativeness. They can be good friends, but an actual relationship is difficult. They can both see the true side of people, and they don't like fake people, but if both partners really work at it then this pair might be able to work, but it's not likely.

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