Aquarius moving to new stages in life

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Every person has to move on to different stages in their life as they grow older. But some people take the transitions differently, and with the Aquarius, there are two types.
The first, and most common, is the one who never wants to change stages because they are afraid of the difference, afraid of the change.
This Aquarius won't try to preserve what they have, but they will be down in the dump for a while, and they won't even know why. Their inability to want to move on is hidden in their subconscious mind, so they never really know why they are so sad. Because they don't know what is wrong they don't know how to help themselves. But, after a long wait, they get over it and they are a part of their new stage.
The second and least common (like 40% out of 60%) is the one who sees the new stage and immediately makes a judgement of it. Whether they want to move on or not, and no matter what they answer, they just deal with it and make the best out of the situation. They find ways to deal with the changes so they are not sad or unhappy.
But even though these two are different in the end, long after the change, they look back at the change and wonder why they made such a big deal about it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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