Chapter 16

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My father led me to the roof of the castle.  I smiled as I saw the small town below.  My Father looked at me with pride in his eyes.  I looked around at the mossy stone.  A small grey bench sat against the wall.

"We use to come here all the time," he said lightly.

"I know... I can remember now Father," I smiled as a memory crossed my vision.

I sat on the same grey stone bench.  It was spring so the cherry blossoms, that were planted in decorated pots, were blooming.  My father sat beside me, a double blade laid in his lap.

"There will be a day when I can no longer protect you my young Rhea," he spoke sadly.

"But daddy then I can potect you some day!" I gave him a closed eyed grin.

He laughed lightly, "of course I know, you pick up magic and battling so easily.  You will do great things when your older."

He slashed at me with his sword.  I deflected quickly, a clang rang out.

"I knew you'd do that!" I exclaimed in a squeaky voice.

My father grinned, "yes, but now let's begin your training!"

"Right!" I swung my blade and Father defend himself.  I disconnected my blades and slashed.  My father backed up trying to continue defending himself.  I grinned as he knocked over one of the pots.  Foot steps echoed through one of the doors.

A woman in blue robes appeared.  Her hair was red and pulled back into a pony tail a few strands dangled beside her jawline.  Though it wasnt the ginger color red it was the real red like a red carnation or rose.  Her eyes were a bright blue.  White wings with a shower of blue specks swayed behind her.  The woman's skin was porcelain and looked as if she were to fall she'd shatter.

"Rhea are you alright?!"she said in a wonderful voice.

"I'm fine mommy!" I smiled.  She looked at me and smiled relieved.

"Be careful with our daughter," she wrapped me up in her arms and turned to my father.  Her hands brushed through my hair.

"Ah sorry honey," he said sheepishly and planted a kiss on my mother's forehead.

"Grey is looking for you," she said and walked to the bench where she sat down.  My father quickly left leaving my mother and I alone. 

"I'm so proud of you my darling Rhea," her voice rang through my head.

The vision was soon over.  I found myself sitting on the same bench as the one in my vision.  Cherry blossoms flew around lightly.  I clutched the sword in my lap lightly.

"She was beautiful," I whispered.

My father nodded, "you remind me so much of her."

I raised an eyebrow, "how is that?"

"You have the same jawline, the same eye shape, the same way your wings fall in place, even the same height and size.  Even the same skin now that I look at you."

I looked down at my hands.  They were no longer tan anymore they now had a porcelain white glow to them.  I widened my eyes, 'how did that happenMust have been from the lack of light maybe?'

I gripped my sword tighter.  Suddenly I jumped up and slashed at my father.  He easily blocked my attack.  Draco, Ashton, and Azura scurried off.

"You'll have to be quieter next time," my father looked at me.

"Right of course," I nodded.  My father stood up and leveled his sword to my double blades.  A slight breeze blew, causing the trees sprinkle cherry blossoms around the area.

Using the wind I quickly hid in the trees.  I camouflaged myself with a quick spell.  Father looked around confused.  Leaping out I sliced at his blade, causing it to shatter. 

My father gave me an approving nod as I stood in front of him.

"I think that's enough for one day," he yawned.

"But we just started!" I protested.

"Rhea there is nothing else I can teach you, your ability as a warrior excels even the gods," he looked at me.

I sighed, "yes father."

He turned to me before stepping into the doorway, "you will be fitted for dresses tomorrow, we are going to have a ball since the last had been ruined."

"Alright," I said and sat on the bench.  Watching my father leave I began searching for the others.

"Ashton, Azura, Draco, are you still here?"

Moments passed before the three sat beside me on the bench.  I looked at the sky switch was now making a slow transition to night.  I stood up and laid on the grass.

Warner, Talia, and Hunter arrived.  They didn't say anything.  Instead they came and laid beside me.  Talia to my right, Hunter to her right and Warner to my left.  Warner entwined our hands together.

For that moment my heart was content.  I was not worrying about the battle.  I'm focused on now and that's what counts.  But maybe things are going to change.  Who knows?


I hopped you enjoyed this chapter!  What did you think of Rhea's mom?  I still have to come up with a name for her.

Buuuut my new book is out so yea if your interested check it out!



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