Chapter 14

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"Why was I taken away?" I sniffled.

"Because my darling you are so important to all Angels, I'm just glad you here with me," he whispered.  I turned to face him and saw a smile on his face.  I gave him a faint smile back.

He ran his fingers through my hair, "its alright."

I sighed and nodded.  He looked into my eyes.

"Rhea I'm sorry but we are going to have to go some where before we go back to Bangkok."

I sat up slowly, "as long as I am with you everything will be fine."

He sat up and wrapped his arms around my waist, "come and sleep," he said lazily and I allowed him to pull me down.  I gave into his warmth and slowly drifted off.


I grumbled as icy wind chilled my wings.  I looked back making sure they had not frozen over.

"Almost there, just a bit longer," Blaz yelled from over his shoulder.

'You said that last time,' I thought to my self.  We are headed to a mountain called the lost mountain.  Apparently in the mountain is the great sword my father used in combat, and is now being passed down to me.  I snapped out of my thoughts as we came to the large snow capped mountain.

As we touched down I suddenly felt as if I was being watched.  I looked around and heard a small shuffle.  Blaz pushed me behind himself and raised his arm into the sky.

A stream of light came out and pulled a small creature out from behind a rock.

"Its adorable!  Blaz stop that your going to terrify the poor thing."

I ran to the small creature and held it in my hands.  Its small body was round, had white fluffy fur, and a small scrunched up grey nose.  Two grey horns poked from the top of what I assume to be its head.  While a long grey tail hung down and tiny grey spiked wings fluttered.

"Aw your adorable," I gushed.

"That's an Icey," Blaz said amused.

"What kind of creature is it?"

"Its the cousin of an ice dragon only smaller and with less scales."

"Aw do you want to come home with me?" I questioned the little guy... Um or girl maybe?

"Home!" It squealed.

"Alright do you have a name?"

"My name Azura," it smiled.


"Yes! Yes!" It chanted as it heard its name.

"Its girl," Blaz said as he looked around.

"I knew that," I mumbled.

"We have to keep an eye, there's no telling what's in there," he gestured to the dark cave.


We began our quest and walked cautiously into the dark cave.  It was impossible to see two inches infront of our faces.

"Hey Azura do you think you could help?" Blaz asked our new friend that sat onto of my head.

"Yep!  Yep!" She suddenly let out a small blue flame that floated in front of us, leading the way.

"Perfect good job Azura!" I smiled.

We continued down a path for some time until we came to a stop, so we could rest.

"Shouldn't be much farther," Blaz wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He then continued, "there should be a room up head with light coming from it."

"Sounds mysterious," I joked and petted Azura's tiny head.

"Of course my dear." He said and made us continue.  As we got closer I could see a room filled with light, just as Blaz had described. 

In the middle of the grey rocked room stood a double blade lodged into stone.  Around it was a body of water.  The air had become colder and darker.

As we got closer to the water, the ground began to shake.

"Ugh," I grunted as I tried to steady myself.  After a few moments the shaking stopped.  I looked to Blaz for a clarification.

"Must have been a small earthquake," he reasured.  I nodded and stepped closer to the water.  I was suddenly pushed back as Azura jumped in front of me.

"Azura!" I yelled.

She screeched and was sent back to my arms.  I gasped shocked as Azura fainted.  Looking up a large beast stood in front of us.

I glared and clenched my teeth.  Blaz readied himself but I stopped him.

"I can handle this."

"Are you sure?"

I looked at him determined, "yes."

He took Azura in his hands and backed away a bit.  A stared the large beast down.

Its dark hairy figure towered over me.  Its body was to scared to even identify it.

It chuckled evily, "Princess Rhea, I am Scar, you  have to prove to me that you can handle the power of the blade, are you ready to accept my challenge?"

I nodded my head and took out my training double blades, "I'm ready Scar."

With that the beast charged at me with claws outstretched.  I quickly deflected and countered.  But he matched my speed and sent me flying across the floor.

'Have to be quicker,' I thought and focused my energy into my blades.  Charging I quickly jumped over the beast and landed on its back.  I threw by blades over my head and smashed them into Scars back.  Blood spurted as the beast fell.

Jumping off I walked away.  But my steps were interrupted by a menacing laugh.

"Princess you should never doubt your opponent or turn your back," I was suddenly sent flying into the wall.

I looked up and saw that Scar had doubled in size.  Standing up I readied myself for the next attack.


I know this is a short chapter and I'm sorry.  I have a lot of projects due but I'll be writing more this weekend hopefully!

And I just wanted to say that you should read nutmeg1810 's stories, The Fallen Angel and The Apocalypse, they are AMAZING.

Well thanks for reading!!  Don't forget to vote and tell your friends if you think they will like this book!



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