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The past couple of months have been hard on Zero, her chakra is growing and it's starting to affect the townspeople. She never knew how to control it, she has to go through multiple rounds of therapy and meditation but nothing works. Until one day...

~Present time~

Zero was looking out her window with her bunny, she couldn't go outside Like she so desperately wanted to. Kakashi visited her every day, and taught her things about the outside world and even brought her some oranges. But Zero was losing hope of ever getting out of the hospital, her blue eyes were now just dull and lifeless.

All Zero did was hug her bunny, it was the only thing that made her feel safe. When Kakashi visited her this time, he didn't get a hug at the door, he didn't see her smile, she was just sitting next to the open window, her long white hair flowing through the wind" hey, you should get down from there, you might hurt yourself" Kakashi warned" will i ever even get to go outside like all the other kids, all i'm getting is more treatment, they keep saying i'm going to leave soon but its been months, i can't take the loneliness anymore" Kakashi closed the door, his eyebrows curved into a sorrowful face" tell you what, i will bring you outside tonight"

Her eyes lit up"really! you'll do that for me" Kakashi nodded as she hugged him"thank you so much!" Kakashi smiled" i have a surprise, for you" Zero looked up"what is it" she asked, Kakashi pulled out a bag from behind his back" whats that?" Zero asked" I brought you some ramen, naruto loves this and its from the greatest ramen shop in town so i'm sure you'll love it"

Zero looked at the wrapped up ramen with interest" how do you eat it?" she asked"with these" kakashi said pulling out some chopstics.

Zero took the chopstics in her hand" momma showed me these but poppa never let me use them" Zero said" then i'll teach you and we can eat ramen together" Kakashi said with a smile.

hours later...

Kakashi was leaving the hospital, he would come back to the hospital after hours, today was the day he would finally confess to iruka. He called him over to his house and he was impatiently waiting for him at their house, a few minutes passed and there was a knock on the door, Kakashi rushed to the door and opened" hello kakashi, so what did you want to talk to me about"

Iruka said walking inside their house" i-i um, I like you iruka" Kakashi said blushing, iruka was also blushing by this point" i-i like you to Kakashi" he looked up at him and their faces got closer, and closer until their lips touched. They moved in sync with each other.

Iruka pushed Kakashi against the wall..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2021 ⏰

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