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This goes off of naruto shippuden

-3rd person pov-

Kakashi woke up from a nightmare,he knew he had insomnia and the pills he takes dont work,so he just threw them away,although it's been getting worse,and worse each day,he hasn't been getting much sleep,hes running on coffee,but its stopped working,hes been so stressed lately and sometimes can't go on missions,because of how tired and scared he is,he wont admit it to iruka,he wants to put on this funny, happy and tough guy act,but in reality,hes really shy, timid,scared sad, alone,self conscious and insecure,he has to cry himself to sleep at night,he gets bullied by people out on the street because he wears a mask,they always try and take it off or beat him to death or try to rape him,he knows he can ask sakura to heal him but he dosent want to burden anyone.

Or at least that's how he feels,Iruka has been noticing Kakashi's lack of sleep lately,and how he dosen't go on missions a lot,hes concerned.

Kakashi put on his jonnin outfit and his headband and put it over his right red eye and went outside,he never ate,although still maintained his muscular build,he grabbed his adult book and walked out,he saw Iruka walking"hey kakashi!"Kakashi just groaned tiredly and continued walking while reading his book"hey,kakashi"Kakashi  looked over at Iruka"im worried about you"Iruka had his head down,Kakashi's eyes widened"i-I know you haven't been getting any sleep lately,and I'm worried about you"Kakshi stopped walking and looked at him,a sad smile on his face"just a little stressed is all,I'm fine"Kakashi said trying not to cry.

Iruka didn't believe him,he knew Kakashi was hiding something,but he didnt know what,he know's about Kakashi's anxiety because that one day he saw kakashi on the bench


Iruka was walking down the street,looking for Kaksshi, according to lady tsunade,apparently he had an argument with one of the genien there and they had said something that made him run off,it was night time now,kakashi really knows how to hide,Iruka hoped he was okay,he eventually found him on a bench breathing rspidly,his jacket was off and he was gasping for air,pulling his shirt and coughing,his mask was even down,Iruka knew it was an anxiety attack,Iruka ran towards him and tried to get him to calm down, he was sweating and hyperventlating.

And was kakashi...crying

"Hey it's okay buddy,just calm down,its alright"Iruka kneeled down in front of him,and eventually got him to calm down and Kakashi rested his head on Irukas shoulder,out of breath"are you alright now"Kakashi nodded"thank you"Iruka stood up as kakashi stood to,and hugged him,Iruka hugged back"want me to take you home"Iruka offered,Kakashi shook his head"i can walk home myself"Kakashi was really dizzy,he was about to fall once he let go of Iruka he almost fell,Iruka caught him"you just had an anxiety attack, you can't think clearly yet,its natural your dizzy,just let me take you home"Kakashi had no choice but to accept,Iruka took him home and  put him in bed"thank you"Kakashi said weakly

"Theres No need to thank me,i just did what a good friend would do"Kakashi was already asleep,Iruka kissed his forehead,He didn't know why but he thinks hes growing feelings for kakashi...

-flashback end-

"You know if,your having a bad day,you could always tell me,I just dont want you lying to me about your lack of sleep,were best friends remember,we don't keep secrets"Kakashi sometimes wanted to keep his own secrets to himself"i know you wanna keep things to yourself sometimes,and that's okay,I just want to know if your sleeping okay" Kakashi "Smiled"and "laughed" a little"dont worry,I'm okay,you dont need to worry"Kakashi said ruffling his hair" and walking to the hokage,rather where she stayed.

"Why does he keep lying to me"Iruka could somehow tell that kakashi was lying,and he was going to get to the bottom of it,he began walking along with kakashi,glares and harsh  whispers were thrown at kakashi,Iruka saw this and looked at kakashi,He was beginning to walk faster,his head down"What the hell are you all looking at,its like you've never seen humans before!" Everyone was in shock at Irukas comment even Kakahsi stopped to look,The whispers and glares stopped and Iruka grabbed Kakashis hand and walked out of that part of the village,Kakashi blushed,knowing he had feelings for him,Although Iruka tried to ignore his feelings.

once they got to where they needed to go,Kakashi stopped, and let go of his hand"w-why did you help me,I'm used to it"Irukas eyes widened"your used to it?"Kakashi had tears in his eyes,he quickly wiped his eyes,Iruka saw this and walked over to him and gave him a hug"are they hurting you"When he said that,Kakashis mind went to all of his bruises,knife marks and cuts he had all over his body"im okay,they didnt hurt me at all,there's no need to worry ok"Kakashi let go and walked off,Iruka watched as he went in,it was mostly Kakashi, Lady tsunade wanted to see.

But Iruka went in otherwise,knowing she had to talk to them both.


Iruka was packing and kakahsi was helping,Aparently for the time being Iruka had to move in with Kakashi,because of reasons she wouldn't say Kakashi smiled to himself,knowing he wasn't alone anymore,once they were done,Kakashi was tired and so was Iruka,Kakashi showed Iruka to the guest room,Kakashi wanted to get a few groceries first so he went out,he grabbed his keys,going to that machine that copys your keys so he could make a key for Iruka.


Kakashi was walking down the street from the store,there wasn't really anyone outside since it was night time now,Kakashi was close to home when a group of villagers came up to him,he tried to use his jutsu but they tied his hands"w-why are you doing this"the bags fell to the ground and he did to,they beat him,raped him and said nasty, mean and rude comments to him,once they were done,they left him there to get out of the ropes on his own,after a while he did and he grabbed his bags and ran the rest of the way home,trying not to cry.

Behind that mask of yours Kakashi x IrukaWhere stories live. Discover now