Sick Day

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Young Eliza woke up at sunrise and started getting ready for the day.

She noticed her mother still asleep so she decided to wake her in an hour for some extra sleep.

She changed into a deep purple Victorian dress.

She went over to the vanity and took out the braid, causing her silvery locks to be wavy.

She then brushed her hair causing it to be slightly poofy but just left it. She then went to wake up her mother.

Once awake, Nanny McPhee left to help with breakfast.

Eliza went to take care of Aggie.

She entered the messy room, being quiet as possible.

Gently, she woke the sleeping girl and carefully changed her diaper. She then took her down to eat. (keep in mind she's only wearing a diaper thingy. Don't be weird, it's just easier to clean a kid up that way)

The young girl had oatmeal (or porridge— whatever you say<3)

Aggie, of course, made a big mess, which Eliza had to clean up. 

After taking care of the spilled food, that somehow got on the ceiling, Eliza took her upstairs to get washed.

She turned on the tap and let the tub fill with lukewarm water.

After cleaning Aggie up, she put her back in her bed, as it was around 7:45 and her mother was getting the other kids up in a bit.

She went up the stairs leading to the bedroom she and her mother shared.

She snapped her fingers, turning it into a bathroom.

It was small. Checked floor with mustard yellow walls. There was a dirty (not like actually dirty but like aged I guess?) tub in the corner. There were three wooden shelves next to a sink that sat closest to the door. The toilet was adjacent to the tub and across from the sink.

She began to fill the tub with hot water.

As it was filling, she got a towel and some new clothes. She set them on a shelf next to the sink.

She then stripped and shut the water off.

Eliza got in the water and sat down, relaxing immediately.

She let herself soak for a little but before laying back in the water to get her hair wet. There was a bar of soap made from oats and lavender (they actually made it from animal fat, Wood ashes, and water back then but I actually want her to not be gross.)

A little while later, she finished up and got out.

Quickly, she pick on undergarments a black dress with black shoes.

She hurried down the stairs to the kids' bedroom. There, she saw her mother stood in the doorway looking at the children.

When she arrived at the elder Nancy's side, she observed the room.

The Brown children looked as though the had a suspiciously bad case of the measles.

All. Of. Them.

While her mother was playing along with the kids, Eliza went to check on Aggie.

The girl had a chalkwhite face with red dots and was sweating up a storm.

Eliza rolled her eyes at the obviously faux illness. She went back to the doorway with raised eyebrows and hands on her hihip.

After Nanny McPhee was done, she banged her staff and gracefully walked out.

The kids then started a fuss on how it wasn't mind control (help!!! What did Simon think it was!?!?)

"Boom goes that idea." Eric said and fell back on the bad.

Tora tried to get up but failed.

Chrissie started to cough and Aggie started to cry.

Eliza quickly checked her head while the kids discovered they couldn't get up.

"Oh no," Eliza muttered before speaking aloud to the already noisy room, "you tried measles, didn't you?"

To which she got a response of questioning looks, nods, and grumpy faces.

"Here let me clean you up."

And with that, she went to the bathroom to get a washcloth and small pail with water.

She started with Aggie, washing off their faces and arms, going up the line;changing water in-between. Then she went to the other side, ending with Simon.

When she went to change the dirty water from Tora, the younger girl called out, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." Eliza said with a small smile.

She then got the small tub of ointment for Simon and refilled the pail.

She started the process of cleaning once again, pushing back her hair with one hand and beginning to wash his forehead with the other.

He looked at her the whole time causing a fluttering feeling to stir in her stomach and blush. (Did you know that when you blush, so does your stomach lining.)

Letting his hair go, she then worked on his nose and cheeks.

He closed his eyes and a relaxed sigh escaped him.

Maybe it was her cold fingers against his feverish skin, or maybe it was just her presence that seemed to calm the hyper boy, but it's not like her tell.

The siblings all watched with small smirks resting upon their faces, excluding Aggie, of course.

She got down to his chin and neck, him opening his eyes and studying the light freckles that littered her skin. The small constellations that seemed so elegantly placed on her cheeks and her nose.

How could someone so young be so perfect?

But thats the thing isn't it? There's no such thing.

The girl didn't have much of a childhood, believe it or not. You'd think as Nanny McPhee's daughter, yours would be perfect and if you truly believe that, then think a wee bit more.

She was born into a strict home, one in which she didn't have much for a personality. It was always rules in which she never intended to break. Eliza's fate was to be a nanny the second she was born.

Alas, rules are meant to be broken, remember?

There were a million thoughts going in Simon's head.

Contrary to what you may think of at first, they weren't of how she looked, but rather what was wrong with him.

How did he, Simon David Brown, think a NANNY was alluring in any way?

Besides someone so strict couldn't go for someone like him. One who likes mischief and pranks. One who doesn't listen nor use manners.

He was so lost, he didn't notice she had applied the cream until she moved on to his arms.

Eliza had been ignoring his mindless gawking until she touched his hand. She just needed to roll up his sleeves so she could take care of his arms too.

Hi basically this is taking forever so this is the beginning of it. I also did not proof read so PLEASE tell me if something is wrong.

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