Chapter 7 - Interviews & News

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Chapter 7 - Interviews & News

[Harry's POV]

The past few days have been... silent. Well, at least between me and Louis. We have had a few interviews and last minute recordings since our next album would be released in a few days, but not a single word has been spoken between me and Louis. Sure, the other guys have talked to us, even tried to get us two to talk to each other, but we would only shake our heads, telling them no. It's not like I don't want to speak with Louis, I just don't think I'd be able to handle the pain I would feel, looking at the love of my life and knowing he's in love with someone else, that someone being the girl he's going to propose to any day this week.

It's now Monday, the day our album is being released, and we are all five gathered on a couch in a studio, facing an elderly man with grey strands in his hair and a white beard. Apparently, he's well known across the country, but he's sadly no one I know of. I was just told this information by Liam a few seconds ago, who apparently has heard of him, or Management have just informed him too.

"So, are you guys excited about your new album?" he asks, a rich grin forming on his thin lips.

I raise an eyebrow because, what kind of question is that? Of course we're excited, it's the fourth album we're releasing together. Who wouldn't be excited? Sure, I'm not exactly in the best of moods considering the circumstances, but I'm still happy we're going to do this for our fans.

"Well, of course we are," Liam says, being the only one who doesn't flash him a weird look. "I mean, our fans have been waiting a whole year for new music by us, so it's going to be fun hearing their opinions on it."

"Yeah, I agree with Liam. It's always nerve-wracking at first since you don't know whether you'll get good or bad comments on the album, but in the end everything turns out well even though there are some nasty remarks every here and there," Niall agrees, sending the interviewer a small smile.

"Okay, so this is your fourth album in four years. Doesn't it ever get too much for you guys? Like, don't you ever feel like you need a break?"

I look down at my lap, biting my bottom lip. To be honest, I know pretty well what he's talking about. It's not like we don't enjoy our lives as being famous and singing to our lovely fans, but sometimes it gets too much, when all you want is to just take a break and get away from it all. Sadly, that usually happens in the middle of a tour, so there's nothing you can do about it even if you want to. However, most of the time, it doesn't matter that you barely have any free time, although it would be nice to be home with your friends and family more often than we get to be right now.

"Nah, or well, sometimes it would be great to just relax and stay at home, knowing you don't have to be somewhere in a few hours, but I'm pretty sure I at least would be very lazy if I didn't have anything to attend or do," Louis explains from where he's sitting, next to Liam on the other end of the couch.

"What about you, Harry? Do you feel the same way?" the man asks me, looking at me with expectant eyes.

I clear my throat, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Well, personally I think it depends on what mood you're in. Like, sometimes you really miss your family and friends back at home, and all you want is to take the next flight home and go visit them. But sometimes you are just very happy that you're living your dream and getting to see so many new and lovely people all the time. Also, like Louis said, you would probably get quite bored after some time if you were to have a longer break, considering we don't really know what that feels like anymore."

The interviewer nods, looking down at his papers. "Speaking of family and friends, how is it to be away from your girlfriends for such a long time? Don't you ever miss them?"

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