Chapter 3 - Innocent Touches & Crying

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Song: "Just a Little Bit of Your Heart" by Ariana Grande. Harry wrote this song, and it's so obvious it's about Larry. Plus, it really fits into the story! Listen to it while reading if you want :)

Dedication: @Um_____Hi_x3 because you've almost read all of my stories! :) xx



Chapter 3 - Innocent Touches & Crying 

[Harry's POV]


When the show ends, thoughts are spinning around in my head about what Louis told me in the dressing room earlier. He wants me to be myself? How is that possible when I don't even know who I am anymore? I don't know whether I only dress and act like a girl because of Eleanor and Louis' relationship or if I simply do it because it's me and I like it.

Well, I have to admit that it is kind of nice to wear make-up though. You can apply a little bit more than you do when you're completely acting like a guy, and I like covering my skin in the beige color that fits me.

When it comes to the hair though, I would like to have it a little shorter, but not as short as it was when we filmed the Best Song Ever video. I liked it when it was somewhere in between then and now.

As for the clothes, I wouldn't mind getting rid of most of them. I don't really like them at all, and I miss my black jeans and black and white t-shirts more and more every day. So, I'm in some kind of dilemma. Louis wants me to be myself, yet if I am, he might never open his eyes for me and see me as anything but a friend. God, I hate this, it feels like I'm lying to him and that he'll be disappointed in me if he finds out what I really think.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a high-pitched voice that I know all too well for my liking. I look up to see Eleanor approaching us, her face lit up in a wide smile. My heart drops at the sight of her, and especially at her words, "Louis, where are you, love?"

I whip around to see him walking towards her with an evident smile on his face. "Hi, babe. I've missed you." He kisses her on the cheek and wraps his arms around her waist, embracing her in a tight hug.

I avert my gaze from them, nibbling on my bottom lip. Fuck, why does this have to happen to me out of all people? Why do I have to be the jerk to fall in love with my friend? I wish I could just disappear, disappear from all this pain.

"Are you coming with us to the tour bus tonight?" Louis asks her, and he seriously can't kill me in a worse way. Eleanor spending time with us on the bus? No way!

"If you all want me to, then yes, of course," she smiles, looking over his shoulder to see our reactions.

Louis pulls out of the hug and turns around to face us as well. "Guys, you wouldn't mind that Eleanor sleeps over tonight, would you?" He looks at us carefully, searching for any signs of disagreement.

I'm so close to open my mouth and do just that - disagree - but I don't, because I don't want him to get suspicious about what I feel for him. It takes a while for the other boys to answer, and when they finally do, I can see Niall glancing at me for a second before shaking his head. "Of course not. She's basically family," he says, smiling over at the two of them.

Liam and Zayn agree with a nod, leaving me to be the only one that hasn't answered Louis yet. I take a deep breath, "Um... I guess I don't mind, I mean, she's your girlfriend," I shrug, sending him a timid smile.

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