Chapter 8 - Confessions & Regrets

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Chapter 8 - Confessions & Regrets

[Harry's POV]

The next morning I wake up by the sound of my phone ringing. At first I don't even make a move to pick it up, only pulling the sheets further over my head instead. But after the fifth call, I let out a loud groan and finally reach out to my nightstand blindly to bring the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I say sleepily, rubbing one of my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Finally, mate. What took you so long to pick up?" It's Zayn. The first thing that catches my attention is the sound of his voice. It's alarmed, as if he's got something important to tell me.

Sitting up in bed, I press the phone tighter against my ear. "What's going on?" I ask instead of answering his question, a frown forming between my eyebrows.

Every time Zayn's voice is like this; something serious is about to or has happened. Therefore, it suddenly feels like I've been awake for a couple of hours instead of just a minute.

He lets out a sigh. "It's Louis. He's proposing to Eleanor tonight."

A lump forms in my throat as I hear him say those words. He's going to do it tonight? But I'm not even prepared yet! What am I even going to do to make him change his mind? I haven't come up with anything! "L-Louis told you?" I stuttered, gulping down the lump in my throat.

"Yes. He's going to make it simple, doing it in his apartment, apparently."

I close my eyes, breathing out a deep puff of air. "What am I going to do?" I almost whimper out, hearing Zayn sigh on the other end.

"I don't know, Haz, to be honest. I think only you can stop him and come up with something that will make him change his mind, though. I'm not saying this because I'm lazy, or because I don't care about you, because I do. I'm saying this because I genuinely don't think I would come up with the greatest idea. You're the one who loves him and also the one he loves, so I believe you're the only one who's going to come up with something that'll work," he explains, making my shoulders sag.

"I don't know if I'll succeed, though. It feels like I'm about to do something that will be for nothing." And it really does. I have never witnessed or heard Louis confessing his feelings for me, so it all feels so surreal and impossible to me. I don't even know for certain if he really likes me, and it would be so humiliating if it turns out he doesn't. I don't even want to think about that possibility.

"Harry, I'm sure he will change his mind. But if he doesn't, you've at least tried, and that's all you can do. At least you can go around thinking you've done all you can to make Louis choose you, instead of going around thinking you should've done something about it. Additionally, I think Louis is going to have a tough time saying no to you. He really does love you, you know?" Zayn says, making my cheeks turn a light pink.

I shift around on the bed, trying to hide my smile even though I know he can't see it. What if Zayn's right and Louis really does love me? That's everything I've ever dreamt of happening, so who am I not to take this opportunity to make him mine now that I have my chance? My last chance even. It would be a stupid move not to. The thing is; I have to come up with something that will make him change his mind, and that's not easy. "Well, I should probably hang up now then. Need some time to come up with something that will make him change his mind, you know?"

Zayn lets out a deep breath, and you can practically hear him nod his head through the phone. "Good luck, Harry. I believe in you, mate."

I smile, feeling happy that I have him on my side. "Thank you," I say and am just about to hang up when he interrupts me.

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