Chapter 5 - Kisses & Surprises

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Dedication: @gaddevik because she's writing my favorite story in Swedish! Can't wait for an update :)


Chapter 5 - Kisses & Surprises

[Harry's POV]

I just stare at the spot where Louis was just standing, seeing Zayn letting out a heavy sigh through the corner of my eye. "W-what just happened?" I stutter, glancing at him.

He shakes his head, turning his head to the bunk above mine. "Morning, Nialler," he greets, putting on a fake smile.

"Morning," he groans. "What the hell is going on? Who were just yelling?"

"Exactly what I'm wondering," I mutter to myself as I see Zayn looking down at the ground.

"Louis and I were just discussing a few things."

I scoff. "Discussing? More like arguing, if you ask me. What was that about anyway? And who the hell does Lou intend to hurt?" I ask, remembering Zayn threatening Louis to kill him if he hurt 'him'.

"It's nothing Harry, don't worry about it," he mutters.

I furrow my eyebrows, getting out of my bunk. "I worry about what the hell I want to worry about, okay? I want to know why Louis just stormed off like that and why you two were arguing in the first place!"

He walks forward and places his hands on my shoulders, trying to calm me down. "Harry, don't get worked up over this. Hopefully, Louis has learned his lesson and will stop joking around like he's been doing lately."

"Joking around like what?!" I shriek, knowing Liam and Eleanor are probably awake by now. "What has he done to make you scold him like that?!"

He closes his eyes, breathing out a puff of air through his nose. "He's done a lot of things Harry, and you're one of his victims," he says slowly, opening his eyes again to stare at me intently.

Okay, that makes me shut up... but only for a second. "W-what? What are you talking about?" I ask, now almost in a whisper because I'm so shocked by his words. What is he on about?

Zayn looks around, seeing that everyone in the room is now staring at him. "I-- I can't tell you that. Louis will have to tell you himself. Once he has made his mind up, that is."

I faintly recall Zayn mentioning something about a choice Louis had to make about the way he's been acting towards me lately. Does this have something to do with it, since I'm apparently involved in this argument? Before I can say anything though, Paul enters the room and speaks up, "The bus leaves in half an hour, so get up and get dressed immediately."

He disappears as fast as he appeared, leaving a silence and tension in the air between the five of us. I decide to break it by going into the bathroom with a slam of the door, locking it behind me. I run a hand over my face, checking my reflection in the mirror by tilting my head in every direction so I can see every part of my face.

I let out a sigh and turn around to pick up my make-up box. After having applied some foundation and a thin layer of powder, I put my hair up in a messy bun before adding mascara on my eyelashes. Once I decide I'm finished, I release my bun and ruffle my unruly, long curls. I card my fingers through them, but stop when I get stuck in the mess and pull them back out.

I put my hair up in a bun again, not really wanting to spend more time on fixing them right now. I then finally exit the bathroom, only to be met with five pairs of eyes, including Louis'. "There are other people who want to use the toilet as well, you know?" Liam says, raising an eyebrow.

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