The Letter Box

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Arriving at the old house, you smiled, holding a box in your hands. Now that your father had passed away from sickness, the house had fallen into your hands. It was perfect timing too, as you needed a place to stay.

Upon entering the house, memories flooded your mind. The scent still hadn't changed and though the furniture got a bit dusty, it was fine.

The first place you went was your room, across the living room and hallway, beside the bathroom.

Everything was frozen in time. Ever since you moved out into an apartment to live a bit closer to your workplace, your father promised not to touch your room. You smiled, thankful that he kept his word.

You set the box of your belongings down on the ground and sat on the bed. He didn't even bother to clean the room, did he?

The pastel pink blankets were dusty and the large window across from your bed had it's dark blue curtains drawn.

Before you could settle in, you'd have to clean up the room first. So, you started looking around.

When rummaging inside your closet, you come upon a a small box. It was bright yellow and had a bunch of different stickers applied on it's sides. The box was a perfect square.

As you lifted the lid of the square box, a smile appeared on your face as the memories slowly came back. You looked at the box with fascination, remembering the memories that came along with it.

It's a box filled with letters. Not just any kind of letters, special ones. It's a box to all the boys you've loved before.

You didn't send those letters, quite obviously, because it's about the people you've been in love with, but that doesn't mean they love you back. Of course, maybe some of them did love you back. Even so, who mails the person they've been in love with their love letter?

Anyway, this was a box of letters containing the memories for each boy you've ever grown a strong passion, fondness, and overall love for. Love was hard to explain in words. You just knew that you love them back then.

There were thirteen letters.

Thirteen letters stuck in this box.

Thirteen letters frozen in time.

Thirteen letters of your thirteen love stories.

Slowly, you dug through the pile and find the first letter you ever wrote. It was in a pure white envelope like the rest and was labeled too. The envelope was dusty but it held a clean letter.

You then begin to read them, one by one, starting at the beginning of your life.

Love & Letter: To The Thirteen Boys I've Loved BeforeWhere stories live. Discover now