New Beginnings

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(So my description of the reader's voice kinda sucked. This video will give you a better understanding of her voice. The female one, not the guy.)

~Reader's PoV~

"Well, here I am..." I thought, as I stood in front of the Vocaloid headquarters. Suddenly, a tall girl with long, teal pigtails popped her head out the door. She looked left and right before noticing me.

"Hey! You're the new vocaloid, aren't you?" She chimed, stepping out of the the building.

"Y-yeah..." I stuttered, shyly.

"We'll come on then! I'm gonna give you a tour of the place!" She smiled, running up to me, "I'm Hatsune Miku! But you can call me Miku. What's your name?"

"I'm (L/n) (Y/n), nice to meet you." I replied.

"That's a pretty name! Well, (Y/n), I think you'll really like it here! You'll get to sing and be happy!" She smiled.

"That's nice..." I murmured.

"Is something wrong?" Miku asked.


"Oh come on (Y/n)! You can tell me!"





"I just..... I don't really want to be here...."

"Then... Why are you?"

"My parents forced me to."

"That sucks, but please don't leave! You seem really nice! I don't want you to be unhappy though...."

"Don't worry Miku, I won't leave. It's a bit too late for that now anyways. I already had the surgery or whatever.  Besides, I think I'll have fun here." Finally, we were in the headquarters.

-Time skip brought to you by however many times Len said 'Fukyo waon!' in Purple Butterfly on your Right Shoulder-

"And this is your room! Feel free to move in as soon as you want! If you need anything, just ask Luka or Rin or someone. Tomorrow we want you to come down to the stage so that we can see how good you can sing! See ya then!" Miku smiled as we reached the door of a room labeled '88'. Miku had shown me the whole building. I think that it took almost two hours to complete. But I got to meet some of the other vocaloids, including Rin, Len, Luka, Gumi, and Kaito. Miku shoved a light blue key in my hand and skipped down the hallway. I glanced at my white and blue suitcase that I had been dragging the entire tour, unlocked the door and looked around.

My room was in a simple rectangle formation. The walls were painted blue, and the carpet was white. In the top right corner, a queen sized bed with blue and white covers was perfectly made. A long white mirror was stuck to the wall on the right side of my bed. Just beside my mirror, a dazzling white vanity stood. On the other side of the room, a beautiful white desk had a blue laptop on it, the black spinning desk chair with wheels was pushed in as far as it could go. To the right of the door, a flat screen TV hung on the wall, with almost every gaming console imaginable under it. A nice, blue loveseat was about ten feet away from the television. I looked to the left, only to see a guitar, microphone, canvas, numerous sketchbooks with high quality art materials, and bird cage.

"They must have dug deep to find my interests..." I thought to myself. I found myself walking up to the bird cage, seeing as there was a bird in it. Hold on, this was too big to be a normal bird. This amazing creature was an owl"; a snowy owl to be exact.

"Well hello beautiful, you don't deserve to be cooped up in there, now do you?" I spoke to it, as I opened the cage door. The owl immediately spread it's wings and flew, only to land on my forearm.

"I can't keep calling you 'beautiful', can I... Alright, from now on, your name is....... Snowflake?"


"No? What about...... Iceberg?"

More silence.

"Mmmmm Frost?"

This time, the owl hooted in contempt.

"Alright,so your new name is Frost."

Another happy hoot.


I unpacked my things, with the help of Frost, and soon, I was all settled in.

"We make a pretty good team."


"Us, we do, you and I." I smiled at my own joke, but Frost gave me a look of annoyance.

"Geez, sorry....."


"Whooooooo" Frost hooted.

"Is it?" I asked, grinning at Frost as she regained the annoyed look on her face.

"It's me, Len, we met earlier." A cheerful voice said through the door.

"Yeah, you can come in." I confirmed. Len opened the door and stepped into my room. He paused when he saw Frost on my shoulder.

"Umm.... Who is....." Len trailed off, looking slightly taken aback.

"This is Frost, my snowy owl."

"Oh.... Right.... W-Well I was just going to ask you if you wanted to come to a party that Gumi's place tonight!" He asked me, regaining his bubbly aura.

"Uhh yeah, sure. See you there?" I smiled.

"Yep! See ya!" He chimed, before waving and walking out of my room.


It's short, but idgaf at the moment. It's 11:30 where I am and I have to go places tomorrow morning so this is the best I can do for now. Ok? Ok. Bye!

Electric Angel (Kagamine Len X Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now