Epilogue: Purple Butterfly

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I feel absolutely terrible for being so incredibly late with this. But it's here now, and I worked hard on it, so please don't hate me completely.


Narrator's PoV:

~six years after The Master was apprehended~

*Len and (Y/n) are now twenty one years old*

(Y/n) was practicing a piano piece that she had just learned. She had often listened to at night to fall asleep, and had decided to learn how to play more instruments instead of just her guitar. Now in her room, there was a pearl white grand piano (that really filled the room and made it look less bare), a drum set, a dark wooden violin, a brass trumpet, and a silver flute. Her fingers struck the keys of the piano skillfully, producing a beautiful sound. Her eyes were closed and her body was swaying to the music on it's own. She moved to the softness, and found herself completely calm. It had been very relaxed at the headquarters since The Master was taken away. The rules that the Vocaloids were forced to follow were lifted, and now they had freedom to do whatever they wanted to. That freedom allowed Len to go out. (Y/n) wasn't sure where he was but she trusted him, so she didn't ask any questions when he told her that she was going shopping with Rin.

~Let's go see Lenny-boy~

"Len! What about this-" Rin started.

"Too small."

"What about one with blue? She likes bl-" Kaito suggested before Len cutting him off.

"No. She likes classic things, like this but not this one particularly."

"Um what about that one?" Meiko asked him.

"Too big, it's pointless if it's too heavy."

"This one?" Miku pointed at another.

"No.... It seems kinda off."

"What about this one?"

"Gakupo, I will hit you. I'm not getting one with a god damn capybara on it."


"Gumi you want that one for yourself."

"Hey Len! I think Jayro found a good one!" Scarlet announced. Len rushed to see what Jayro had found.

"It's perfect.... Hey! Hey can I get this one please?"

Meanwhile, Luka was just watching them all, imagining them as wild animals, and rethinking her life.

~Back to (Y/n)~

(Y/n) played the song over and over and over again, losing herself even more every time she did so. She felt at peace when sitting at a piano, and incredibly happy when playing something correctly, so it made sense when she didn't notice Len enter the room. He sat behind her on the floor, and waited for her to finish playing. It was almost like meditating. He soon felt the world melt away, and got lost in the song, like (Y/n) had. His eyes drifted closed, and his mind was emptied of any thoughts. He drowned in the sound of the piano, skillfully being played by the girl who he loved most of all.

As the sound of the piano drifted away, Len opened his electric blue orbs to watch as (Y/n) stretched her arms over her head. Len took this opportunity to turn on some cute dancing music using his phone. As he shoved his phone back in his pocket, she spun on the stool she was sitting on. He lunged at her and pulled her up by her hands while enthusiastically shouting, "Dance with me (Y/n)!" She squealed in amusement as he held her closer, grasped her hands in his own, and began to clumsily waltz with her. They giggled at each other's movements for a few moments, but they soon composed themselves and glided around the room gracefully, continuing to smile, laugh, and occasionally kiss lightly.

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