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(Y/n)'s PoV:

I'd only been working at the Vocaloid headquarters for two weeks. I produced two songs, 'Why Not?' and 'The Wind Underneath My Wings' which was a duet that I wrote about Len, and sang with him, and did a cover of 'Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life!' with Kaito (Len was pouting in the corner during recording).

Len and I had become best friends, we couldn't be separated. Oh, and Frost loves Len now too. Uhh what else..... Oh, you'll love this. Gakupo asked me out.

Yeah, but Len was with me (Of course), and pulled me away from G-man before I could give him my answer. (Which was no, by the way.)

So that just about sums up the last fourteen days.

Now, on to the present.

I was in my room, painting the image of Len's eye on to the canvas. The shota was in front of me, his eyes open wide. I glanced up from the drawing, so that I could see what I was supposed to be painting. I took this as an excuse to just look into Len's eyes. He would think that I was just figuring out what to paint, but I was really just admiring his beautiful electric blue eyes. I had almost lost myself in his gaze, until Frost screeched in my ear. I flinched at the sound, and returned back to the canvas. I dabbed my paintbrush into the correct paint, and gently transferred the colour from the can onto the white material. I smiled to myself, painting was the best stress relief.

When I finished my painting, Len blinked a few times, and jogged to my side to see it.

"Whoa (Y/n)! It looks SO realistic!!! I can't believe you did that!" He cheered, glomping me.

"Heh heh.... No problem." I awkwardly shifted in his embrace. When he released me, I looked back to the painting, to see if it was any good.

"Hey (Y/n)! If you do one of your eye, then I can put it in MY room! Then we would have beautiful paintings of each other's eyes to look at when we aren't together! That way, one of us will never truly be without the other!" I listened to Len's idea, and nodded my head.

"Sounds good. I'll start on it as soon as I can okay?" I smiled at him, and his grin widened.

Suddenly, my door flew open, and slammed against the wall. I shrieked and jumped back, as did Len, from the surprise. Miku ran from the door and glomped me, smashing me to the floor.

"(Y/n)! The master just said that we're going to go on a Project DIVA live, tour!! AND YOU'RE COMING TOO!!!" She shrieked in my ear.

"T-That's great Miku!" I paused when I realized that she had said 'master',"And uh... What do you mean by 'The Master'....?"

Her face fell, and she had the look of sadness on her face. I heard Len urk, and I looked up and him, only to see that he looked as scared as I do when I have a panic attack. I wriggled out of Miku's grasp, stood up, and placed my hand in Len's shoulder. He looked at me, only to turn his head away and look at the floor.

"Well. You may as well know now." Miku sighed.

"The master is the man who made Vocaloid. He's the big boss. The president. He's really strict and mean. He yells at me the most though, even if I am his daughter..." She mumbled the last part.

"Wait wait wait. So this guy, he thought of the whole 'Put things in people to make them sound better' thing, and did it to his daughter without even knowing if it was going to work?!" I stood dumbfounded.

"I... I guess..... Oh and uh.... He's... He's coming here tomorrow to meet you..." She murmured, scratching her neck.


I fainted.

-Time skip brought to you by Rin chasing me with the the road roller, forcing me to write faster-

I woke up in the comfort of my own bed. I looked around the room and saw the painting of Len's eye hung up on the wall, the lights off, Frost asleep in her cage, and the curtains closed. I felt my clothes, and realized that I was now in my pajamas.

"Someone changed my clothes. SOMEONE. CHANGED. MY. CLOTHES. Ehh. It was probably Miku." I thought to myself.

I felt movement beside me, and turned over, only to be nose-to-nose with a sleeping Len.

"Oh yeah. We planned another sleepover for tonight. But.... Was I really unconscious for so long that it became nighttime?" I thought. My face blushed furiously and I turned my body so that I was facing the ceiling. But, I eventually turned back to Len's peaceful face. He looked so CUTE! I just wanted to snuggle up to him and fall asleep in his arms. Wait. WAIT. WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT. I pushed those thoughts away, closed my eyes, and tried to sleep. However, my effort was interrupted, because Len slung his arm over my waist, and pulled me into his chest. I looked up at his sleeping face, he looked content. I smiled and pushed my face into his chest, resulting in his arm becoming tighter around my waist. I listened to the rhythm of his heart, and it lulled me to sleep.

Electric Angel (Kagamine Len X Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now