Let me out!

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(It's been a while, hasn't it?)

(Y/n)'s PoV:

I pounded on my locked door like it would burst open, screaming the word 'help' over and over again. However, the soundproof room muffled my voice (don't forget my voice box was muted also) to nothing, and the door was too sturdy to fly from its hinges. I suppose everyone was told to not open my door, otherwise something terrible that The Master probably promised would happen to them. With a final effort, I weakly slammed my now loosened fist against the wood of the entrance and defeatedly slid down the surface. I pulled my knees to my chest, lowered my head, and wrapped my arms around my body.

I cried.

My body shook with the sobs that escaped my mouth as I silently pleaded for freedom.

Even in the sturdy position I was in, I slumped to the ground like a corpse.

The world thinks that I've run away.

I won't be found.

I will never get out of this room.

I'm spending the rest of my incredibly short life here.

I'm going to die alone.

People are going to forget about me.

I'm never going to be able to make another song.

I'm not going to see Len anymore.

I lost count of how many hours I was crying, but I knew it was a long time, because I fell asleep.

Len's PoV:

I was laying on my bed, my eyes dull and lifeless. I'd just been stripped of my freedom. What do I have now? I don't get to preform, make new songs, or see my sister. I don't even get to see (Y/n) anymore. I have nothing left. I closed my eyes and began to imagine a world where The Master wasn't the boss. We were all really happy. (Y/n) and I were together, our fans were super happy, and all of my friends were surrounding us. I pulled out my phone and tried to call (Y/n), but just as I hit 'call' my the screen of my phone went black. I tried to turn it back on, but it didn't even show the symbol that it normally does when it needs to be charged. The Master had probably deactivated it. That meant I had no contact to the outside world.

I could still use the camera that I had in my room though. I grabbed the camera and recorded a video of everything that was going on. I explained what had happened and showed how I was incapable of leaving my room. That was the moment that I remembered my balcony.

I ran to the door of the balcony, but when I saw it I became more frustrated. The windows of the doors were covered with a large sheet that I wasn't able to move. I pounded on this door too, but nothing happened.

A string of colourful words left my mouth, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek. No. I'm not going to let him win. I pounded on the door again. It was made of glass, surely it would break.

After what felt like an eternity trying to break the door, I backed up to the end of my room and sprinted as hard as I could, driving my shoulder into the glass with all of my strength and body weight.

It cracked.

I repeated this action over and over again until the door was extremely fragile. By now I was feeling kinda cheeky, so I flicked the glass. It shattered to the floor. I stepped out onto the balcony. It was the middle of the night now, and nobody was around. Nobody could hear me. I decided that I'd try to find a way down, or at least a way to (Y/n)'s room.

I looked along the side of the building. Almost the whole thing had reflective glass walls. The only areas that didn't were the living levels for obvious privacy reasons. This area was made of large gray bricks. My eyes stopped at a small ledge. It was wide enough for a person of my size to move along, but one small mistake could be the end of someone if they tried.

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