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I yawned, i need a good sleep as soon as i reach home. But what about bhai!

Gosh....ya allah save me.

"What's happening?" Came a voice from behind me, its my bestie ALIA.

"I woke up at 4 o'clock" her mouth wide open due to shock as i said. Then i told her the whole story and she nodded understanding.

"Hello girls" came another bestie. RIYAZ

Then Alia told him everything and he bursted out laughing. This is my friend for you. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Did you hear this" he aa asked. "No" Alia replied and he rolled his eyes at her.

"Harshad of 3rd b.com is going to propose you." It took sometime to register his words, and once i understood I got shocked.

Oh shit!

This can't happen. "Riyaz stop him before he gets killed" I spoke to which he replied " he is a nice guy, you should hook up with him" " no, its not that..." I was cut in mid when i heard someone calling my name. I turned and it was HARSHAD.

He walked towards me, i nodded in no but he didn't get what i wanted to say and got on his knees.

Oh my god!!!

He is dead...

" i saw you in college fest last year, and my eyes dint move away and was stuck at you" aww he took a break in mid and continued "may be love at first sight...then i started observing you and i am sure now that, I LOVE..."

He was stopped in mid with a harsh pull from behind. I looked up and its its Zaid. I face palmed.

"What did you say, I love... Continue. Come on" said Zaid. "Excuse me, who are you?" Harshad asked and Zaid replied "ptch ! You dint observe her properly, I am her BROTHER and you are dared to talk to me that way" he growled.

All the colours from his face paled, which made me want to laugh.

"Sorry bhaiya, sorry sister, I dint know" Harshad said and ran from there which made me and Riyaz brust out laughing.

"Stop... what's all these huh?" Shouted Zaid. "Zaid... I dint ..." I stuttered scared of him suddenly.

"Oh hello! Why are you shouting at her. She just got to knos about this" said Alia boldly Infront of Zaid.

Zaid is not strict types but when it comes to such situation he gets really angry and i am scared of this. But seeing Alia talking to him that way got me surprised.

"Ok" Zaid mummbled and walked with his friends. So easily he listened to her.


Then after attending 3 hours of lectures, its time for homee.

I walked to parking area aftee bidding bye to Alia and Riyaz who are staying for library. I waited for Zaid to come and after 10 mins he came.

"I will call driver uncle" told Zaid and took phone. Before he could call, we saw our car... BHAIYA'S CAR


He got down from the car and ran towards us a bit concerned. "You ok doll?" He askee cupping my face. I looked at his eyes which was filled with concern and..... something else which i couldn't figure out but it felt peaceful.

"Bhaiya, i am fine don't worry" i said and he just nodded as yes and moved back.

"Get in " bhaiya said. I amd Zaif walked to back seat and settled. Seeing us sitting in back bhaiya said " i am not your driver. Come in front."

I looked at Zaid and signled him to go front but he ignored me putting his headphones snd turning away.

Never of this guy. I slammed the door and sat Infront huffing amd gave bhaiya a BIG FAKE SMILE and turned towards window.

10 sec passed no movement

30 sec passed mo movement

1 min passed still no movement.

Then finally i looked at bhaiya and he was looking at me with a eyebrows rose up.

"Seat belt" he semi yelled getting me scared.

I immediately put my seat belt.

"Recite dua" bhaiya told i read and blew on myself and on bhaiya if any soul has possessef him. And bhaiya started the car

I need ice cream.

" Bhaiya" i tried my luck for ice cream.

"Hmm..." Came a voice.

"Bhaiya ice cream" i stammered "weekend" was the reply and i nodded as yes like a obedient child.

Then we reached home and got down from the car and bhaiya drove back to office. I am not leaving this Zaid for making me sit Infront.

I started running chasing him.

"How can you leave me with monster"

"Ahh...mom, bade ammi, chachi...koi bachao"

Zaid yelled running away from me.

"Kya hua kyun bhaga rahi ho?" Bade ammi, i mean Manhal bhaiya's mom asked glaring at Zaid who had hid himself behind her.

Then i told her everyday, how bhaiya scolded me for seat belt and not getting me ice cream and she said, she would scold bhaiya once he return.

The day ended. True to her word bade ammi scolded bhaiya.

I am satisfied.

Then after dinner, i prayed isha and went to sleep.


I was in deep sleep when, i felt a hand on my hair moving lovingly.

"Get up, my girl" i heard a voice in sleep i opened my eyes snd saw a handsome man standing in white suit.

I saw him holding my shoulder and shaking me mummbling GET UP repeatedly.

Reality dawned in me, its a dream.

"Get up" i heard again and i finally opened my eyes and i looked at the person who was not my prince charming but MONSTER.

Assalamualaikum lovely readers...

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Love you all..

Allah hafiz

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