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Anadia standing behind the bed, and folding the washed clothes her not so lovely husband had spread in the name of searching for his sky blue shirt.

"You dad is more childish than you both. Look how he has searched the shirt. If you didn't find his shirt, he could have woke me up and would have asked. But no... He wants to do every work on his own. Monster... Your dad is a monster. Ammiiiiiii...." She kept blabbering, scolding her husband while in front of her sat her two kids, Arham the elder one 6 years old and 3 years old girl, Masiha Manhal Ahmed.

Arham and Masiha stared at their mommy. They knew if they speak a word all her angry would be showered upon them. "Bhaiya... Who is monstel? " Asked Masiha. While Arham chuckled lowly at his innocent sister "our dad is monster. And do you know what does monster mean?" Arham asked in a hushed tone scared of his mom. Masiha nodded her head as no. "Monster means.... " Before Arham could finish the door opened and revealed tired Manhal coming in.

"Papaaaaaaaa" Masiha yelled and ran to her father, while Manhal laughed and hugged his princess and kisses her cheeks and earning a kiss as well. Manhal then wrapped his hands around his champ and kissed his cheeks.

Manhal looked at Anadia who had her back facing him. He looked at his children with raised eyebrows asking for what happened. Arham pointed towards the messed up shirts on bed. He let out a nervous chuckle.

"Aana" He called, but no response.

"Monster dad. Why did you do all these" Came a cute voice of Masiha. All three pairs of eyes got widened. Manhal narrowed his eyes at Anadia knowing very well she might have called him monster in front of the kids, while the Masiha looked at her parents with cute innocent eyes, Arham hit his forehead with his palm and Anadia looked everywhere but him and tried to escape from him.

Manhal stride to Anadia and in a snap Anadia was in Manhal's arm. His hands wound around her waist. She struggled to get away from his hold, Anadia squirmed to get away from his hold, while their kids looked at them with amusement, entertainment and surprised look. "Manhal kya kar rahe ho choro. Bachche dekh rahe hai" Anadia whispered, her cheeks turning red evening after 7 years of their marriage.

"Kiddos close your eyes and turn around. I have a surprise for you both" Manhal said looking at his kids whose eyes gleamed with excitement and did as their father said.

As soon as the kids turned around, his lips were in hers chewing and sucking and biting. Their kiss filled with passion, teasing, urgency, desire but above all LOVE.

After 7 years of their marriage and 2 kids also, their love for each other never decreased instead increased every passing minute. Everyone thinks, after kids the couple get busy with them as responsibility increases, but for Manan it was different. Their kids brought them more closer to each other than they were before.

Before Manan pull away, Masiha the Naughty girl turned and was shocked seeing his Monster dad, eating his mamma and she yelled. Manan got shocked and pulled away from the kiss.

Arham looked at his sister probably understanding what she is talking about, and he felt embarrassed but gave out nonchalant look. He has many times witnessed his parents kissing but always gave innocent look.

Before manan or Arham could process, Masiha was out of the room yelling help help. Manan face palmed while Arham ran behind his innocent sa sister.

"Masi... Sister wait. " Arham yelled running behind Masiha but there Masiha met her elder sister, cousin Zikra. Kabir and Zoya's daughter.

"Zik di... Help... Monstel... Eating mamma" Masiha said. Zikra who didn't know, Monster is Manhal amd being a kid as well yelled "oh my god. Lets tell papa " Zikra said and was about to run when Arham held Zikra's hand and pulled her towards him.

"Hami.. Masiha said monster is eating bade ammi" Zikra said with an innocent look while Masiha nodded her head. "Bhaiya was also there" Masiha said. "What... Hami... Help your mamma" Zikra said. "Zikku... Masi is calling dad as Monster." Arham said and zikra gave ohhhh look. "Then why will bade abbu eat bade ammi" Asked Zikra. Arham felt like hitting his forehead to wall.

"Papa was not eating mama... Umm... He... Wo.. " Arham didn't know what to say. "Ya... Something went in mamma's eyes. Thats what he was removing" Arham said smartly, like his dad. It is the same excuse, his parents give when he unknowingly enters their room when they are kissing.

"Suchi bhaiy? " Asked Masiha innocently, while Arham nodded her head as yes.

Back in room.

"Manhal,Kya tha ye. What will kids think" Anadia asked her face fully red. "That i was eating you" Manhal said and laughed making her chuckle as well.

"By the way... You called me as monster. That too in front of our kids. Seriously Aana" Manhal said with fake anger. Anadia looked around nervously. "You should be punished for it darling" Manhal said and pulled Anadia for another kiss.

After about 5 minutes they pulled away breathless. Manhal dipped his face in her neck. " door. Close" She said stuttering. Manhal understanding what she said, pulled her towards door still kissing her neck. He turned around, her back touching the door and he continued his assault on her neck while his hands moved above and bolted the door and instantly locking back to her waist and pushing himself more towards her. Her body fully hid over his.

Assalamu alaikum

A short bonus chapter. Hope you all liked it. I just wanted to show, how manan's kids are.

Arham is mature like his father, while Masiha is innocent like her mother.

Do comment and vote.

A new book is on its ways on manan, as all you suggested. Hope i receive same love from it as well. I will let you know when i publish.

Love you all

Allah hafiz.

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