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The Ahmed Family sits for dinner table laid for especially the close family members. Its consisted of everything the Ahmed Family liked.

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The brides along with Anadia and Alia walked to the tables with their husbands trailing behind

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The brides along with Anadia and Alia walked to the tables with their husbands trailing behind. Anadia looked at the foods and sighed, and Zoya noticed it.

"Anadia are you ok? " Asked Zoya, to which Anadia nodded her head as yes, to not get them disturbed. The couples of the day sat on the table and others sat beside them Anadia sat next to Kabir and Manhal beside Anadia.

Manhal placed Anadia's favorite mutton curry and naan on her plate, and placed the same on his plate. "Maaniiii... " Whined Anadia. "Kya hua Maani ki jaan? " Asked Manhal looking at her. "I... Don't want this. I will eat biryaani" She said. Manhal looked at her with confusion, because she is refusing her favourite food. "Why? " He asked, while she just shrugged.

Manhal got her plate changed with new one and placed biryaani, along with salad and a glass of sprite. Anadia started eating. "Manii... " She again called. "Ji baba bolo" Manhal said. "I want ice cream" She said licking her lips. "Finish your food first" He conditioned. "Nahi... I am full. You just get me ice cream on gulab jamun. Pleaseeeeeee" She requested. "Are you ok jaan? " He asked and she nodded coolly.

Manhal got her gulab jamun with ice cream and she devoured it as if she had been kept away from food. "Maniiii" She called and he looked at her. "I... I wann.. . Go.. Wa..shr...oom" She stuttered with sweat forming on her face.


"I... I wann.. . Go.. Wa..shr...oom" She stuttered with sweat forming on her face. Before i could understand, she stood up and ran on the stairs. "Aana... " I yelled and ran after her and all the family members as well got worried and came behind us.

I ran to our room and saw Aana puking standing behind the washbasin. "Aana... Kya hua meri jaan... " She vomited shat ever she had few minutes back. Finally she stopped, i held her with one arm around her waist while another rubbing her back. She leaned to my arm after she rinsed her mouth. I held her another hand when she fell behind.

She fainted.

"Kabir call the doctor" I yelled. I lifted her up and took her to the room. "Manhal kya hua meri bachchi ki? " Asked chachi worriedly , when she looked at me. I laid her on bed and tapped her cheeks.

Within 10 minutes Dr. Nandini (i got this name only immediately)

"Please move out. " She said. We all walked out. Everyone were worried. Kabir and Mazhar were beside me consoling me, but none helped. I will be calm only after knowing she is fine.

After what felt eternity Dr. Nandini walked out."doctor is she fine. What happened to her? " I asked immediately " Don't worry Mr. Ahmed your wife is absolutely fine and there is nothing to worry. In fact, i have a good news" She said.

I frowned.

My wife is fainted, and she thinks about good news.

"Your wife is pregnant. Aap papa banne wale ho"



I guess i am hearing weird thing.

"Can you repeat. I guess i heard wrong" I asked, and the doctor chuckled. "Congratulations aao papa banne wale ho" The doctor said.

All erupted with loud congratulations, mubarak ho and alhamdulillah. The doctor took her leave, Aryaan dropped her out.

I felt my cheeks wetting. Kabir hugged me. "Congrats mere bhai" He whispered and i broke down. He rubbed my back saying soothing words. Then everyone hugged me congratulating me. "All go eat your dinner. I will call you once Aana is awake" I said and all walked down

I walked in and saw her still sleeping. I sat beside her. I placed my hand on her stomach. "Assalamu alaikum mera bachcha" I said and chuckled at my funny act.


I opened my eyes and saw Manhal seated beside me with his hand on my stomach "i am you papa baby." I heard.


"Man...nhal" I called.

His head snapped to me. "Aana are you awake. How are you feeling baby." He asked. "Manhal... Wha..t di..d y..ou sa..ay? Papa? " I asked.

"Meri jaan. You are gonna be mama... We are going to have a baby soon. You are pregnant" He said.




My eyes filled with tears and i did nothing to stop it. He wiped my tears. He kissed my forehead. Then my cheeks followed by my lips. After a short soothing kiss, which showed our love. He moved back and hugged me.

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Assalamu alaikum mananians.

So... We are at the end of this book. There will be a epilogue as well, which will be updated on 31st December 2021 at 11:59pm.

So... How was the chapter. I know bit small as well.

But i wanted it like that.

Do vote and comment.

Love you all hamesha...

Allah hafiz.

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