Aryan & Sameena

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A special request from one of my reader lachilalaola786 ... So here it is.

Happy reading guys...

Longest chapter waiting...

Attention: little of harassment involved.
The alarm rang, and its not Sameena's room's clock waking her but a different one.

She opened her eyes and looked at around and she realised she is in her in law's house, in her new room, in her husband's arms. She blushed looking at the proximity. She extended her arm hand above Aryan's body and switched off the alarm from his phone.

She kept back and looked down, and realised she is hovering over her husband. Her cheeks turned red and she didn't move back and kept looking at him. She noticed his small but almond shaped eyes, his long pointed nose, his lips, his brown hair spread on his forehead giving him a killer look.

She placed her head on his chest and layed flat. She always dreamt of getting married, everything related to marriage, what kind of husband she want. And she felt her dreams fulfilling today.

Because of sudden weight on Aryan's body, he woke up. He was pleasantly surprised to find his wife sleeping on him with hands around his neck and legs tangled with his. He moved his had and wrapped around her waist flushing her more into him. "You awake? " He mumbled groggily.

She who was awake pretended to sleep, because she didn't want to get caught sleeping on him in her awake state. She felt shy! Her heartbeat quickened and he felt that. Now, he knows she is awake.

He turned around, and now she was beneath him and he layed with his head propped on his hand and stared at her wide eye. He bent and kissed her forehead. "Good morning" He whispered. She kept quite, feeling shy of being caught.

"You know... I am all yours. You can stare at me as much as you want, you can sleep on me beside me or throw me out of the bed and you can sleep on this bed all alone as well. Its your rights. Tumhe haq hai " He said staring intently at her eyes.

Her eyes turned glossy and a smile spread on her face, and he smiled looking at that. He then layed beside her and out his hand around her waist and closed his eyes.

"Aryan get up... I need to freshen up. Ehat will everyone think that the newly wed girl is sleeping for so long" Sameena said. "They will think that, extremely tired newly wedded bride and groom are sleeping because of yesterday tried day" Aryan replied pulling her more into him. "You sure... Your family will not tell anything? " Asked she biting her lips in worries. "First of all, they will not tell anything i am sure of that and second of all, they are now your family as well and last but not the least don't bite your lips. I feel hot down there" He said last part close to her ears and kissed her earlobe.

She immediately left her lips from her teeth with wide eyes. He chuckled loudly seeing her and she was lost in his laughter. "Now sleep its just 7:30" He said patting her arms like a kid and she sighed, still feeling tired from yesterday's wedding.

She snuggled more into him, and fell asleep feeling his lips on her forehead which just increased her smile and redness of her cheeks.

Her sleep was again disturbed, when she heard a knock and her husband was checking "see you woke her up" Aryan spoke to someone. Sameena sat straight, putting her dupatta on her head.

Anadia, Zoya and Haniya entered. "Assalamu alaikum bhabhis" Sameena muttered and got replies from all three. She looked at time, which showed 11:27.A.M which got her eyes widened.

What will others think.

"You were still sleeping. Being a newly wed bride, you are sleeping" Anadia started. "Wo.. Bh..abh..i,  i... I wok..e up by 7,but Arya..n said to sl...eep so i..slept"
(Wo bhabhi, i woke up by 7 but Aryan said to sleep so i slept) Sameena stuttered seeing her sweet elder sisters like bhabhi standing in front of her giving dead glares.

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