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Anadia dashed into their room, and halted on her steps. There stood her husband, wearing nothing but a track pant. His bare back was a treat to her.

"Anadia where is my white shirt? " He spoke turning around.

His voice brought her back to the world, literally.

"Um... Uh.. Ya. I will see" She told, walking towards closet. She moved close, but he didn't move away from there causing for her to stand close to him.

Very close to her half naked husband.

She searched and immediately found the white shirt below light gray shirt.

"Arey wah... You got mamma's power of finding that I couldn't find. " Mangal appreciated her, causing her to chuckle.

She took a step backward, when he pulled her and she landed on his bare body.

"Ma.. Manha..l what ar..e y.. ou doi..ng.? " She stuttered as she felt his bare chest touch her clothed back transferring heat. She felt hot.

"Is someone getting bothered seeing me like this? " He could see her blush.

"It's getting late, let me go." She spoke.

"Ya.. " He trailed, kissing her exposing part of her neck which suddenly tempted him.

Feeling his kiss, she sucked in a deep breath and a automatic moan left her mouth.


"Ji meri jaan" He spoke, as he felt her heartbeat increasing because if their proximity. He moved back kissing her forehead.

As soon as he left her, she ran to the closet shutting the door. This caused a chuckle from him.

After sometimes, Anadia came out of closet, wearing the dress which Manhal gave her this morning for the party.

It was a white, long gown that ends with frills. The upper body of the gown is black with intricate silver design on neck.

She stood in front of mirror, did her liner first, followed by kajal on lower eye lines, with mascara curling her lashes. She applied light, nearly nude pink lipstick. She made a bun, pinning the hair tightly. She tied the dupatta in hijab style. Completing her look.

(Imagine the diwali dress, Nandini worn, in episode 60.)

She took few snaps of herself, and few mirror selfies. 

She was posing with a hand on her waist, bending a little, giving a pout and whe she pressed the click button, her husband stood behind her and he was in her picture, with his well-known smirk.

"Beautiful" He whispered.

"Send this to me later" He said.

"Let's go...? " He asked.

She nodded and was about to take a step, when she was pulled back with a hand on her wrist.

He held her moving his hands from her wrist to her waist slowly and sensually, teasing her. He held her waist and pulled her more close, now she was pressed against his body and within a second, his lips met hers kissing her her hands moved around his neck, and involuntarily pulling him more close to her.

The kiss grew wild making them breathless. He moved back giving a peck on her lips.

She opened her eyes and looked at him, with a blush. Her eyes grew wide as she saw pink lipstick on his lips.

"Manhal... Wo... Loo..k..." She said pointing his lips. "What happened? " He asked confused. "Wo lips... Lipstick" She said. He turned towards mirror and saw the lipstick on his lips.

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