1 - Run Away

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South Korea, Seoul.

It was five in the morning when people slept and embraced their dreams. Silence filled the whole mansion as the girl with long hair sighed silently.

Y/N was hugging her knees to her chest, staring at the empty wall in front of her with a blank face. Dark circles lay underneath her slightly red eyes as she slowly put her head on her arms and stared at her window.

It's been a while now since she couldn't sleep. No matter how many times she changed her bed, she never found comfort in that huge, lonely place. She didn't have a mother to reassure and comfort her at moments like these, and her father didn't seem to care enough.

He gave her everything she needed, everything she wanted in exchange for her freedom. He just wanted to make sure that she was safe, claiming that her home was the safest place. The world is cruel and bad people are everywhere, I can't let you go knowing that you could be in danger. That's what he said.

She couldn't sleep that night. No matter how much she tried to close her eyes and drift to sleep, darkness refused to consume her. With her small figure waiting for the sun to light up the sky with its rays, she closed her eyes and breathed heavily.

The clock next to her kept on ticking as time had never felt that long. Silence had started to be so disturbing and a feeling of anxiety rushed over her. Just then, the silence was disturbed by the sound of the small raindrops hitting her window. One after one. It was rhythmic. And she loved it.

Standing up, she headed towards the window. She could see the now-heavy raindrops hitting the ground outside. An almost smile appeared on her lips before she opened the window. Y/N extended her hand as droplets of rain landed on her palm. She smiled, letting out a sigh. She could finally feel herself relaxing while listening to the beautiful sound of the rain.

Calm before the storm, they say.

Not wasting any time, she headed to her wardrobe before she grabbed the black clothes that hung in there. Y/N knew she would end up going out at that time, once again. Her father always warned her about going out alone, but despite his strict order, Y/N never listened.

Not now, not ever.

Instead, she decided to wear black clothes and hide her face so that the security cameras won't catch a glimpse of her identity. It was dark outside, anyway. Her father was naive enough to believe that his daughter was an innocent, good girl that will obey his orders and listen to him. Little did he know that Y/N was way far from that.

Tying her hair in a low ponytail, she put her black hoodie over her head and took a deep breath. Her hand rested on the doorknob before she turned it and walked out, leaving the room she never felt comfortable in.

The mansion was too silent for her liking as she strolled down the hallways, making sure no one saw her. Her heart was beating so fast as she tiptoed through the place.

She made her way to the back door as usual but on the way, she heard some voices that made her stop in her tracks. Turning her head to the room from where the noise was coming, she started walking toward it in slow steps.

With every step she took, her heart beat faster than ever, and at that moment, she had no idea that her life would change forever.

Approaching the source of the sounds, she found the room's door slightly open before she peeked at the horrible scene in front of her. Without making any noise, she put both her hands on her mouth as her eyes widened in shock and fear.

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