32 - Forbidden Words

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Y/N froze at the feeling of the gun pressed to the side of her head. Tears kept falling down her cheeks as she stared at Jay, either begging him to save her or save himself.

He was the only one left. If anything happens to him, she'll... 

"Let go of her..." Jay said, staring at Lee Kwang who just smirked at him. "If you touch her I-"

"What will you do?" Lee Kwang scoffed. "You do realize that this is your gun, right? What can you even do?"

Jay didn't even realize that it was his gun that Lee Kwang was holding until he checked his back pocket and didn't feel his gun anymore. When did he even take it? How did he even-

"You were calling for her as if your whole life depended on it, it almost seemed like a scene from a love story," He laughed as he threw his head back, clearly amused by it all. "It isn't! This is my happy ending! I won!" 

Jay stood there, staring between Lee Kwang and Y/N as his heart broke to pieces at her tears. She was looking at him desperately, but he couldn't do anything to save her. One wrong move and Y/N will slip from between his hands, and he would never be ready to let her go.

It was just her, she was everything that he had left. Actually, she was his everything.

"Why are you doing this...?" Jay asked. For the first time in his life, he wanted to know why he had to live all this, why his life had to be ruined by a mere asshole. "Just... why."

"Revenge." Lee Kwang muttered. "This is all revenge... because your parents were some fucking idiots."

Jay could feel his hands shake as he tightened his fists and breathed heavily. His father was a good man, his mother was the sweetest person ever, and they didn't have to die so cruelly at Lee Kwang's hands. Nor Y/N's parents, nor Niki's parents, nor his friends.

"We were close friends back in the days, we even attended the same school. Your mother was a friend of ours too, and I was in love with her. That little whore-"

Jay's eyes widened as he was about to step forward, if not for Lee Kwang warning him.

"She'll die." He said as he pointed at Y/N and Jay's blood turned cold. "I don't want you to die without knowing my reasons... this is the least I can do for you, don't you think?"

"Fucking asshole."

"No, that was your father. He knew I loved her, but he still dated her and ended up marrying her. See? He fucking knew I loved her and still did it. And then they had you, and his business grew and he never stopped rubbing it on my fucking face. Do you expect me to just sit and watch him live the life I was supposed to live? No! They had to die for fuck's sake!"

"W-why..." Jay stared at him in disbelief. His whole life was ruined just because of this?

"The others knew that I killed them, and they were going to tell the police about it. See? I was a victim! Everyone fucking backstabbed me! I... This was all because of your father!" Lee Kwang was not pointing his gun at Y/N anymore, instead, he pointed it at Jay. "I regret not killing you that day..."

"Then, k-kill me now," Jay said as he stared at him.

"N-no!" Y/N shouted, not able to make any move. She was too scared that if she does anything, Jay would die just like that.

"Shoot me!" Jay yelled before he stared at Y/N and mouthed an 'It's okay'. 

And before they knew it, Lee Kwang pressed on the gun before the bullet pierced Jay's chest, making him slightly stumble back as Y/N shouted and cried out. For a moment, he just stood there, dazed. But his legs gave up on him as he fell to the ground, making Y/N cry more and sprint over, forgetting the fatigue in her swaying legs from the ongoing battle.

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